Publish dateSunday 9 June 2024 - 09:28
Story Code : 291691
Kazemi Qomi at the end of the regional contact group meeting in Tehran;

The agenda of the Doha meetings did not match the realities of Afghanistan/ the Afghan government should participate in the 3rd Doha meeting

The Afghan government could have used the platform of the Tehran meeting
The agenda of the Doha meetings did not match the realities of Afghanistan/ the Afghan government should participate in the 3rd Doha meeting
In a press conference at the end of the meeting of the regional contact group for Afghanistan in Tehran, the special representative of the Iranian presidency for Afghanistan affairs and the country's ambassador in Kabul questioned the Doha meetings and said: the agenda The first and second Doha Summit and the report presented in it did not correspond to the internal realities of Afghanistan. Nevertheless, Kazemi Qomi announced Iran's participation in the Doha 3 meeting and promoted the Islamic Emirate to participate in this meeting to express its positions. At the same time, this senior Iranian diplomat said that the Islamic Emirate was also invited to participate in the Tehran meeting, and this meeting could have been a good platform to express their positions, but they did not participate in it.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: At the end of the second meeting of the regional contact group for Afghanistan in Tehran, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, the special representative of the Iranian presidency for Afghanistan affairs and the country's ambassador in Kabul, this Saturday afternoon, June 8. In a press conference, Khordad narrated the results of this meeting and answered the questions of journalists about various issues related to the developments in Afghanistan.

At the beginning, he said about the summary of this meeting: The meeting of the regional contact group was held today in Tehran with the presence of 4 countries from the region and Afghanistan's neighbors, including Iran, Pakistan, Russia and China, with the central issue of Afghanistan. This meeting was a continuation of various regional and international meetings, which were held due to the sensitivity of the Afghanistan issue and the events that affect the security and stability of the region.

This senior Iranian diplomat stated that the invaders left the territory of Afghanistan nearly three years ago and new conditions prevailed in the country, and emphasized that Afghanistan is still the main issue on the agenda of the country's neighbors and is one of the important issues of Iran's foreign policy.

Serious security concerns in the region; America still does not stop doing evil in Afghanistan
Kazemi Qomi stated that one of the issues discussed today by the neighboring countries is that they should continue their support to the people of Afghanistan.

He added: Today, 4 countries emphasized on regional initiative in this meeting, and the neighboring countries are pursuing regional cooperation in a central way in order to help Afghanistan's security in the fight against terrorism, humanitarian issues, etc.

This senior Iranian diplomat continued: One of the concerns raised in today's meeting was the issue of terrorism. This issue affects both the people of Afghanistan and neighboring countries and the region; From terrorist attacks in Moscow, Kandahar, targeting Chinese nationals in Pakistan to terrorist incidents inside Iran and especially in Sistan and Baluchistan. These attacks show that the issue of terrorism is the concern of yesterday's occupiers and today they are trying to spread destabilization to different countries in the region.

He added: Based on this, today's discourse in Tehran was devoted to issues related to terrorism, assistance to security and borders.

Kazemi Qomi noted: This meeting had good agreements and regional initiatives help the world community. The reality is that the developments in Afghanistan have an effect on the surrounding environment, if terrorism or the issue of immigration continues, it is a cause for concern. They sought to make Afghanistan a land for their enemies and rivals, and they still use this land as their target.

He continued: In today's meeting, 4 countries emphasized the destructive role of America in Afghanistan and the region. What remains today is the result of the occupation. This issue was present in the talks of the parties present at today's meeting. These countries emphasized that the Americans should be responsible and not create problems for the security of the people of a country.

According to the Iranian president's special representative for Afghanistan affairs, even now that the Americans have left Afghanistan, they will not stop doing evil.

The Islamic Emirate did not participate in the Tehran meeting!
In response to ISNA's reporter's question about why the representative of the Islamic Emirate did not attend the meeting in Tehran, he said: We had invited the caretaker government of Afghanistan to participate in this meeting, we had sent a letter to them to participate in this meeting. Of course, this letter was not a message from Iran, but a message from the four countries that were present at this meeting.

Kazemi Qomi emphasized: This meeting was a good platform that they (Islamic Emirate) could use, and of course the decision in this field was in their hands.

He said: It was decided that the important points raised in this meeting and the views of the countries present in it will be provided in writing and officially to the caretaker government of Afghanistan as well as the United Nations, the Security Council and the Doha meeting.

Kabulov will come to Tehran tomorrow
In response to Ava reporter's question why Zamir Kabulov, Russia's special envoy for Afghanistan affairs, was not present at today's meeting, Kazemi Qomi clarified: Mr. Kabulov will come to Tehran tomorrow at five in the morning, he said that it was due to flight problems and delays. In flight, did not reach today's summit. Russian ambassadors in Kabul and Tehran were present in the composition of the Russian side in this meeting.

Doha meeting 3
In response to another question from Ava's reporter, Kazemi Qomi stated: We welcome any constructive initiative for the benefit of the Afghan people.

Considering the fact that in the next few days we will witness the holding of the third Doha Summit in Qatar, this issue was also raised today, he said: the recommendation of the four countries of Iran, Russia, China and Pakistan is that the neighboring countries and the region participate in this initiative, but What was discussed in the 1st and 2nd Doha summits was not something that would help the Afghanistan issue, and the issues that were raised were not clarified.

The special representative of the President of Iran for Afghanistan affairs, stating that the Doha II summit was held in the name of the United Nations and Iran participated in it, noted that one of the problems of the Doha II summit was the failure to adapt the agenda of the summit to Afghanistan's internal issues, and the report that was published in This summit was proposed, it did not correspond much with the internal realities of Afghanistan.

Stating that since then, heavy diplomatic efforts have been started in the form of the United Nations and a number of countries, he stated: The policy is that the caretaker government of Afghanistan will also participate in the Doha 3 Summit, and if they participate in this summit, they will be able to express their positions. to present themselves and hear the opinions of other countries and we welcome this presence.

Kazemi Qomi stated: The very important point is that what is proposed in the Doha 3 summit should benefit the people of Afghanistan and help them.

In response to the question that due to the failure of the Doha 2 meeting, is there any change in the agenda and approach of the United Nations, he said: After the Doha 2 meeting until today, the United Nations has made heavy diplomatic efforts directly and also They started in the form of countries and they say that they changed the topics of this summit, of course, it is possible that they will raise some issues today, but tomorrow at the summit, other topics will be revealed all at once.

Advice from benevolence
In another part of his speech, Kazemi Qomi also stated: Neighboring countries, especially the Islamic Republic of Iran, continue to bear a heavy burden from Afghanistan. About 6 million Afghan nationals inside Iran is an important issue. On the other hand, there are concerns in the field of security, terrorism and drugs; Therefore, the suggestions that are raised are a natural thing.

He said that the concern of Afghanistan's neighboring countries should be to advance a collective initiative and interaction with Kabul in the direction of stabilization and construction.

The Iranian ambassador in Kabul emphasized that if any advice is given to the caretaker government of Afghanistan, it is out of goodwill, and does not mean interference.

He clarified: If today Afghanistan wants to find a way out of the crises that have been created for it, it must have a government of competent people from different walks of life in the political sphere.

Kazemi Qomi pointed out: No country in the world has acted as much as Iran in supporting the people of Afghanistan and interacting with the caretaker government.

He said: We are looking to prepare a comprehensive road map for the construction of Afghanistan as Afghanistan's neighboring countries, and we are trying to add other countries in the next meetings of the contact group.

Meanwhile, this morning, Dr. Ali Bagheri, Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in a message to the meeting of the regional contact committee on Afghanistan in Tehran, referring to the positive role of regional countries to play a constructive role in peace, stability, development and future. Afghanistan expressed concern about "some specific moves by some countries outside the region to influence the process of Afghanistan's developments" which is in conflict with the basis of Afghanistan's independence, territorial integrity and national sovereignty, and emphasized: the countries of the region cooperate with each other and with other countries and international organizations, also in cooperation with the Islamic Emirate, Afghanistan should not be allowed to face the problem of foreign intervention again.
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