Publish dateSaturday 24 February 2024 - 10:19
Story Code : 286364
The Prime Minister of Armenia canceled the country
Nikol Pashinyan, the Prime Minister of Armenia, has said that in his opinion, the collective security agreement was not implemented during the war between this country and Azerbaijan in 2021 and 2022, so he will withdraw from the agreement.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The Prime Minister of Armenia stated that the Collective Security Treaty has not been implemented in the case of Armenia and said that Yerevan has suspended its membership in the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

Nikol Pashinyan, the Prime Minister of Armenia, said: In our opinion, the collective security agreement, especially in 2021 and 2022, has not been implemented for Armenia, and we cannot ignore this. We have suspended our company in this agreement. Let's see what happens in the future.

The issue of diversifying security relations and Pashinyan's refusal to attend the meeting of the Collective Security Treaty Organization is the latest in a series of events that show the cooling of relations between Russia and Armenia. Pashinyan previously canceled a planned exercise of the Collective Security Treaty Organization on his soil, and in October he also refused to attend the meeting of "Independent Cooperative States".

Collective Security Treaty Organization consists of Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Armenia and Belarus. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Yerevan and Moscow have been close allies, and Armenia hosts a Russian military base. But in the past one year, with the Republic of Azerbaijan dominating Nagorno-Karabakh in a short and quick attack, the relations between Moscow and Yerevan have turned into darkness.

Pashinyan also said that it seems impossible to establish peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Yerevan and Baku have been trying to draft a peace treaty since 2022 with the mediation of Russia, the United States, and the European Union.

Last week, the Ministry of Defense of Armenia announced that four Armenian soldiers were killed and one soldier was injured in the attack of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Armenian positions on the border of the two countries. Baku had previously claimed that Armenia had attacked Azerbaijan's positions.

Pashinyan said: If we examine Azerbaijan's statements, we will see that a new attack on Armenia is very likely. We also demand an investigation regarding the recent attack; However, Azerbaijan uses this situation to intensify its rhetoric. All this makes us think that Azerbaijan is preparing a new attack on Armenia.

According to Sputnik, Armenia and Azerbaijan have a long-term conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh region. In September 2023, Azerbaijan took control of this region; A region where most of the residents are of Armenian descent. As a result of this attack, almost all local residents fled to Armenia.

At the time of that attack, Baku announced the beginning of the "anti-terrorism" operation in Karabakh and claimed that Armenia is strengthening its military in this region and has carried out "sabotage" operations against the forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Yerevan denied these accusations and claimed that Baku intended to purge Armenians from Karabakh.

Finally, the Ministry of Defense of Russia said in a statement that with the mediation of the command of the Russian peacekeeping forces, an agreement was reached between the Azerbaijani side and the representatives of Nagorno-Karabakh to completely stop the conflicts. However, as a result of the attack by the forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan, at least 100,000 of its 120,000 Armenian residents went to Armenia.
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