Publish dateWednesday 21 February 2024 - 12:19
Story Code : 286228
Continuation of sedition and groundless creation of spy and mercenary network "Afghanistan International" against the head of Tebyan Center
The head office of Tebyan Social Cultural Activities Center in Kabul in response to the new propaganda of the "Afghanistan International" mercenary media network, the claim of the arrest of Hojat-ul-Islam Wal-Muslimin Seyed Isa Hosseini Mazari, the head of this center and then his release on bail, in the new news of this spy network, strongly denies and considers it baseless.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: The media network of espionage and mercenary Afghanistan International, which has no goal but to spread lies and sedition in the axis of its intelligence goals, during the past months, in the axis of spreading rumors and propaganda against Hojat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Seyed Isa Hosseini Mazari the general director of the Tebyan Center and Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) and has always spread baseless and rumors about him and the Tebyan Center.

The head office of the Tebyan Social Cultural Activities Center in Kabul, while rejecting all the propaganda and rumors of this terrorist media, considers these destructive propaganda as part of a big and destructive conspiracy not only against Mr. Hosseini Mazari, but also against the Shia community, the relation of this The society knows the rule of the Islamic Emirate and beyond, the people of Afghanistan.

According to this office, following the publication of falsehoods and illegal accusations by a person who falsely called himself the authority of the Shiites of Afghanistan, the spy and terrorist network of Afghanistan International launched a huge negative atmosphere against the Tabyan Center and Mr. Hosseini Mazari, which in several this stage continues until now, but these rumors are more than being based on real and objective nature, they are an absurd and baseless propaganda in the virtual space, which unfortunately some people also aligned with it.

The head office of the Tebyan center in Kabul, the allegations raised against Mr. Hosseini Mazari and the issuing of a warrant for his arrest and after that, the contradictory claims regarding his arrest in the past, and especially the new report of this espionage and mercenary network regarding the arrest of Mr. Hosseini Mazari strongly rejected his release on bail and called it a big and ridiculous lie.

This center has emphasized that this terrorist and mercenary network, with this sedition and spreading lies and propaganda, has its ominous goals to destroy the image and position of Tabian Center and its leadership, to create sedition in the Shia community and beyond, to destroy unity and brotherhood. It will not reach the Afghan society and their good relationship with the Islamic Emirate.

According to the Tebyan Center, the shameful and sinister track record of the Afghanistan International spy network, like its Iran section, which has made this network a public and private scandal, is obvious to everyone and it will definitely not go anywhere with these seditions.
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