Publish dateMonday 19 February 2024 - 11:09
Story Code : 286079
The Doha meeting began behind closed doors with the presence of representatives of more than 20 countries
The media have reported that on the first day of the Doha meeting, the special representatives of the countries have started their talks and consultations behind closed doors regarding Afghanistan.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Hassan Kazemi Qomi, the ambassador and special representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Afghanistan, spoke on page X about the meeting and discussion between the representatives of Iran, Pakistan, China and Russia as members of the "Regional Contact Group" before the official start of the meeting. Doha has informed.
He wrote that firstly, creating a general consensus between the countries of the region and the West on the issue of Afghanistan and then drawing a political road map for the future of Afghanistan constitute the important axes of the consultations of these special representatives.
Kazemi Qomi said that the focus of the Doha meeting is focused on the following:
1. The collective decision for international processes should be based on comprehensive and non-imposed consultation.
2. Thematic priorities of Afghanistan should be considered.
3. Decisions should be based on the mutual and legitimate interests of Afghanistan, its neighbors, the region and the international environment.
Kazemi Qomi also added in a conversation with the media that the Islamic Republic of Iran supports any initiative that leads to the peace and development of Afghanistan.
He stated that he hopes the Doha meeting will help improve the situation in Afghanistan.
It should be mentioned that the Doha meeting hosted by the United Nations and attended by representatives of more than 20 countries is being held to review the situation.
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