Publish dateThursday 7 December 2023 - 15:26
Story Code : 281789
The new statements of the controversial minister of the Zionist regime/ Israel
The new statements of the controversial minister of the Zionist regime, the protest of the Zionist regime to Guterres' letter and the massive attack of the Israeli military on "Tulkarem" and the heavy battle of the Palestinian resistance with the occupiers in Shuja'iyah, Beit Lahia and Jabalia are among the most important developments of the morning of the occupied Palestine.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): On the 62nd day of the Al-Aqsa storm operation, the warships of the Zionist regime shelled Khan Yunis and Rafah beaches in the south of the Gaza Strip in a large way.
In the continuation of the attacks on Gaza, the Zionist regime's fighters bombed a residential house west of al-Maghazi camp in the center of the Gaza Strip, killing 4 people.
Zionist fighters also heavily bombarded the city of Khan Yunis in the south of the Gaza Strip.
  Quds slopes: We targeted 3 military vehicles
Resistance fighters are fighting a heavy battle with the Zionist regime in two areas of Gaza.
News sources reported a heavy clash between the resistance forces and the Zionist regime in Shujaiyeh and Tafah areas in the east of Gaza.
Saraya al-Quds also announced: We are engaged in a heavy battle with enemy soldiers in Shujaiyeh, and we targeted three of their weapons with tandem missiles and Al-Fedai bombs.
The Quds Brigades, the military branch of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, reported a heavy clash with the Zionist regime's military in the "Al-Shaja'iyah" axis located in Gaza.
Quds Battalions announced that in this conflict, 3 military vehicles of the Israeli regime were targeted by "Tandom" rockets.
The revelation of the Hebrew media about the crisis of the Israeli army's ground forces in the Gaza war
A Hebrew media, referring to the dire conditions of the ground forces of the Zionist regime in the Gaza war and criticizing the unfavorable situation of the logistics department of this army, announced that the soldiers are facing a severe lack of facilities and do not even have proper clothes.
Mass arrests in the West Bank
The Palestinian Prisoners' Club announced that the occupation forces of the Zionist regime arrested 30 Palestinians in the West Bank, among whom there are freed prisoners.
Amnesty International: Israel uses US weapons to kill civilians in Gaza
Amnesty International reported that Israel used US-made weapons in airstrikes that killed dozens of civilians in Gaza.
The reaction of the Palestinian resistance to the Zionists' claim about sinking the Gaza tunnels
Palestinian resistance sources emphasized that the idea of flooding the Gaza tunnels with seawater proposed by the Zionists is ridiculous and unrealistic, and the attempt to implement such an operation adds another failure and scandal to Israel's record of failures.
Politico: America does not want a military conflict with the armed forces of Yemen
The Politico website, citing two senior officials of the US government, reported that Joe Biden's government officials agree that attacking Yemen's armed forces (Ansar Allah) is a wrong step in the current situation.
Hezbollah targeted the Ramim military center
This morning, the Lebanese Islamic Resistance Hezbollah announced a military attack on the Ramim barracks with suitable weapons by publishing a statement.
In the statement of the Lebanese Islamic Resistance, it is stated that, in line with the support of the steadfast Palestinian nation in the Gaza Strip and supporting its brave and honorable resistance, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance targeted the Ramim barracks this Thursday morning with appropriate weapons, which resulted in definite losses to the enemy. and some were injured.
The new draft of the Iraqi parliament to expel the American invaders
An official of the Security and Defense Committee of the Iraqi Parliament, stressing that it is useless to simply condemn the US aggression and occupation in Iraq, announced the preparation of a new draft for the expulsion of Washington's forces from this country.
Bashar Assad's adviser: Zionists' goal is to dominate the entire region/ we all must stand by Palestine with all our strength
The special advisor of the President of Syria emphasized that the Zionists are seeking to dominate the entire region and said that Palestine is a global issue and we should all support the Palestinians with all our strength and anyone who supports Palestine and Syria in the region has actually defended himself. .
The Palestinian resistance targeted 2 more tanks of the Israeli army
The Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian resistance movement, announced that it targeted two Israeli army tanks with Tandem and RPG rockets in Beit Lahia and Jabalia areas.
Lebanon's new complaint against the Zionist regime to the Security Council
The Foreign Minister of Lebanon's interim government stated that the Zionist regime has not adhered to any of the international resolutions and is always violating Lebanon's sovereignty. Beirut has submitted a new complaint against Israel to the Security Council.
Testimony of another journalist in the attacks of the Israeli regime on Gaza
The Palestinian news agency "Shahab" announced the martyrdom of another journalist named "Said Al-Shorbaji" along with his family in the continuation of last night's attacks by the Zionist regime on "Khan Yunus" located in Gaza.
The Zionist regime's admission of the death of 2 other soldiers in Gaza
The spokesman of the Zionist army acknowledged the death of two other soldiers of this regime in the Gaza war.
Military centers of the Zionist regime under fire from Hezbollah... 11 operations in 24 hours
In the last 24 hours, the Lebanese Islamic Resistance carried out 11 military operations against the positions and deployment of the Israeli occupying forces in the eastern and western parts of the Lebanon-Palestine border.
The Security Council will hold a meeting on Friday to review the Gaza war
The American website "Axios" from the meeting of the UN Security Council on Friday to review cNg Gaza reported.
According to this report, this meeting will take place after UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, in a rare move, asked the council to use its influence to prevent a humanitarian disaster in the Gaza Strip.
UN: Humanitarian efforts in Gaza have become impossible
Referring to the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Gaza, the United Nations Office of Humanitarian Affairs said: The situation in Gaza is terrible and humanitarian efforts have become almost impossible due to the spread of the war.
Saudi Foreign Minister's conversation with Guterres about the ceasefire in Gaza
The Saudi Foreign Minister talked to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres about the need for a ceasefire in Gaza.
Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan announced the country's support for Guterres' move to activate Article 99 of the United Nations Charter.
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres sent a letter to the UN Security Council on the situation in Gaza on Wednesday evening.
Guterres asked the members of the UN Security Council to prevent a humanitarian crisis by exerting pressure and called for a humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.
Palestinian Health Authority: It is not possible to provide health services to 800,000 residents of northern Gaza
The General Director of Palestinian Health in Gaza said: More than 800,000 people are still in northern Gaza and it is not possible to provide health services to them.
This Palestinian health official also announced: We counted 7,000 injured people, whose injuries are serious and they need immediate surgery.
Artillery attacks on Jabalia and Rafah camps in Gaza
News sources reported the Israeli artillery attack on the Jabalia camp in the north of the Gaza Strip.
Also, the artillery attacks of the Israeli regime continue to the east of the city of Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip.
Israeli soldiers attack a camp in Ramallah and Bethlehem
Zionist soldiers attacked the "Jalzoun" camp in the north of Ramallah. "Aida" camp in Bethlehem was also attacked by the occupying forces.
Bombing of a residential house in "Al-Nusirat" camp
Local Palestinian sources reported that Israeli warplanes bombed a house in al-Nusirat camp in the center of the Gaza Strip.
The bill for military aid to Ukraine and the Zionist regime was not voted in the US Senate
  The US Senate failed to vote on the financial and military aid package requested by President Joe Biden to support Ukraine and Israel.
Chuck Schumer, the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, said: Republicans are blocking aid to Ukraine and Israel.
Senator Bernie Sanders also said: I voted against the aid package to Israel so that we will not pay unconditionally for the continuation of the inhumane war against the Palestinians.
US Senator Elizabeth Warren said: We must return to the ceasefire in Gaza and extend it for a long time and release the hostages.
Warren added: Netanyahu is causing a humanitarian disaster by killing thousands of civilians in Gaza and spreading conflicts in the Middle East.
Blinken: We are determined to support Israel
  US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said: We are determined to help and support Israel so that the events of October 7 do not repeat.
  At the same time, Blinken, whose country is facing the pressure of public opinion due to the genocide and crimes committed by the Zionists in Gaza, said: We must do everything we can to help the innocent civilians of Gaza who are in dire need of humanitarian aid.
The Zionist regime's objection to Guterres' letter
Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen protested the UN Secretary General's letter to the Security Council for immediate action to establish a ceasefire in Gaza.
Cohen called Secretary General Guterres in the United Nations "a danger to world peace".
The Foreign Minister of the Zionist regime considered Guterres' request to activate Article 99 of the United Nations as "support for Hamas".
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned in a letter to the UN Security Council: "The situation in Gaza threatens international peace and security, and the international community must use its influence to end this crisis."
South Africa's Minister of Justice: The International Criminal Court should investigate Israel's crimes
Israel's catastrophic actions in Gaza meet the definition of a war crime.
Israel's crimes must be investigated and dealt with by the Prosecutor General of the International Criminal Court without any exception.
We have concerns about the performance of the Prosecutor General of the International Criminal Court regarding Palestine.
The massive attack of the Zionist military on "Tulkarem" in the West Bank
  Local Palestinian sources reported the attack of the Israeli occupying forces with armored vehicles and bulldozers to the city of Tulkarm located on the West Bank of the Jordan River.
Al Jazeera's reporter reported the conflict between the Palestinian resistance fighters and the occupying forces in this city.
A bulldozer of the Zionist regime was also targeted by an improvised explosive device of the Palestinian resistance and exploded.
After the attack on Tulkarm city, the Zionist soldiers besieged the "Sabet Thabet" martyr hospital in this city. Zionist soldiers also besieged Noor Shams camp.
According to the videos published in the local Palestinian media, the armored vehicles of the Zionist regime have been deployed at the entrance of the hospital.
The Zionist regime agreed to send limited fuel to Gaza under international pressure
The security cabinet of the Zionist regime agreed to send a limited amount of fuel to Gaza after many disruptions and under international pressure due to the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.
Of course, the Zionist newspaper "Yediot Aharanot" reported that Finance Minister Smutrich and Internal Security Minister Ben GhafirZionist leaders have opposed this decision.
More than 100 Zionist soldiers were wounded and blinded in the Gaza war
  The Zionist Radio and Television Organization admitted that more than 100 Israeli soldiers were injured in the eye area during the conflict in northern Gaza and the resulting explosions, and some of them have completely lost their sight.
In a report published by the Hebrew newspaper Ha'aretz, it is stated that after the October 7 operation, one third of Israelis suffered from "post-shock anxiety" disorder.
New statements of the controversial minister of the Zionist regime: execute the Palestinian prisoners!
Amichai Eliyahu, the so-called Minister of Culture of the Zionist regime, whose statements regarding the use of atomic bombs in Gaza caused controversy, while opposing the transportation of prisoners, called for the "field execution" of Palestinian prisoners.
The statements of this controversial Zionist minister for the execution of Palestinian prisoners come a few days after he called for the genocide of Gaza using an atomic bomb.
The Zionist regime opposed the reopening of the Karam Abu Salem crossing
  Quoting a senior American official, Politico reported that senior figures in the Biden administration asked Israel to open the Karam Abu Salem crossing for aid.
According to this source, this US request has been raised behind closed doors for weeks.
This American official announced that Israel has opposed this request by justifying military and political reasons.
At the same time, the American official said that Israel's rejection of Washington's requests to open the Karam Abu Salem crossing has caused disagreements about the management of the war.
Pentagon official: We were targeted 77 times in Iraq and Syria
  A Pentagon official admitted: American and coalition forces have been the target of at least 77 attacks in Iraq and Syria since October 17.
The White House expressed concern about the defense relations between Iran and Moscow
The spokesman of the White House announced: We are following up on the expanding and worrying defense relations between Iran and Russia.
The Zionist regime's air attack on "Eita al-Sha'ab" in southern Lebanon
Zionist warplanes bombarded the town of "Eita al-Shaab" in southern Lebanon.
Al-Mayadeen reporter in South Lebanon reported that an Israeli drone fired two missiles around the town of "Eytroon" in South Lebanon.
The attack on the American base in the oil field "Conico" in Syria
News sources reported the attack on the American base in the "Konico" oil field in the east of Deir ez-Zor, Syria.
Sources in the field reported that this attack led to heavy explosions in this base.
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