Publish dateTuesday 21 November 2023 - 13:46
Story Code : 280818
Pakistani politicians accuse the Afghan government without evidence
Following the new statements of the interim Prime Minister of Pakistan, that the Islamic Emirate should hand over to Islamabad the terrorists who carry out their attacks on Pakistan from Afghanistan, political experts say that the main nests of terrorists and the training centers of these groups are in Pakistan. In order to divert the minds of the world, the intelligence and politicians of this country accuse the Afghan government without any documents and evidence that the Afghan terrorists and opponents of the Pakistani government are present in Afghanistan.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Anwar Haq Kakar, the acting Prime Minister of Pakistan, said in a special conversation with a Pakistani media that "the failure of the Islamic Emirate to act against terrorist activities against Pakistan is unacceptable." He asked the Islamic Emirate to decide whether to take action against the "terrorists" who use Afghanistan's soil for attacks in Pakistan, or hand them over to Islamabad.
However, Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, responded to the words of the interim Prime Minister of Pakistan and said: "First, the Islamic Emirate rejects threats to Pakistan from the soil of Afghanistan, and secondly, if there is such information, we will put him under investigation and investigate. We can certainly say that we will not allow Afghanistan's soil to be used against Pakistan or any group or person to use our soil."
In an interview with AVA, Azizullah Ma'arj, an expert on international relations, said that the main nests of terrorists and the training centers of these groups are in Pakistan, for this reason, Pakistan's intelligence and politicians accuse the Afghan government of deviating the minds of the world without having any documents and evidence. Terrorists and opponents of Pakistan are present in Afghanistan.
Mr. Ma'araj emphasized that the politicians of the Pakistani government want to tell the world that terrorist groups are present in Afghanistan with their false statements, in order to receive help from the international community.
He also pointed out that the Pakistani government wants to put pressure on the Afghan government by forcibly deporting Afghan immigrants and repeatedly emphasizing the presence of the Pakistani Taliban (TTP) to give in to their illegitimate demands.
This expert on international relations added that the government of Pakistan has a strong army and intelligence in the region and has blocked all its borders with Afghanistan. Accordingly, it is impossible for the Pakistani Taliban to travel in Afghanistan.
He said that the existing government in Afghanistan should ask Pakistan for documentary documents about the presence of TTP in the country, otherwise it should deal seriously with the government of Pakistan.
At the same time, Najibullah Amin, a political expert, while talking to AVA, said that the government of Pakistan is facing an economic, political, security and cultural crisis in the current situation, for this reason, the authorities of this country are trying to divert public opinion in their country that other countries Blame them for the unrest in Pakistan.
According to him, if the political differences between the leaders of Pakistan continue in this way, this country will be divided into several countries as soon as possible, because with each passing day, people distance themselves from the government and join the opposition groups.
Mr. Amin stated that two families (Bhutto and Sharif) have been ruling in Pakistan for more than 40 years and have political power, and emphasized that the rule of this family has caused no balanced development in this country.
Pakistani government officials have accused Afghan migrant citizens of insecurity and crimes in this country and attempted to forcefully deport them, but this claim of Pakistani officials has been rejected many times by the Islamic Emirate.
Currently, a very alarming situation prevails in Pakistan and there are no signs of fundamental changes in the country's economic outlook. It is not only the issue of foreign debts, but there is the issue of internal debt that has brought the country close to bankruptcy.
Meanwhile, the Pakistani authorities say that Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan has safe places inside Afghanistan and they go across the border to attack Pakistan, but the Pakistani Taliban have said that they coordinate their attacks from inside Pakistan.
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