Publish dateWednesday 1 November 2023 - 09:36
Story Code : 279582
Hussaini Mazari in a message addressed to the people of Afghanistan regarding the situation of the oppressed people of Gaza;

The people of Afghanistan should seriously expose the crimes of the child-killing Israeli regime/Pray for the victory of the Palestinian Mujahideen!

The people of Afghanistan should seriously expose the crimes of the child-killing Israeli regime/Pray for the victory of the Palestinian Mujahideen!
At the same time as the crimes of the Zionist criminal regime continue with the extensive support of the West against the oppressed people of Gaza and the disregard of many countries, especially the Arab countries, to the voice of this oppressed nation, the head of the Tebyan Cultural Activities Center in a message to the dear people of Afghanistan asked that despite the difficulties and internal obstacles, on the front of the real and virtual space in order to expose the crimes of the child-killing Israeli regime, and on the other hand, pray for the victory of the Mujahideen engaged in the battle against the head of arrogance in the region.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: In this message of Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, it is stated: Every day that passes by the deadly attacks of the child-killing Israeli regime against the people and infrastructure of Gaza, the dimensions of the crimes are getting more horrifying and this is the case that the entire front of disbelief supports this usurping and occupying regime.

He added that although the Front of the Oppressed of the World, Gaza Hero, needs humanitarian, financial and propaganda aid, and even though the people of Afghanistan declared their readiness for thousands of people to flow to Gaza and are waiting for the coordination of our Mujahidin brothers in Gaza, but From a financial point of view, considering the internal problems, there are definitely many obstacles, but there are two areas where it is possible to help the mujahid people of Gaza; Bringing out the cry of oppression of the people attacked by the criminal Israel in Gaza and exposing the crimes of the child-killing Israeli regime; Whether through the real or virtual atmosphere, praying for the victory of the Mujahidin men engaged in the battle against the head of arrogance in the region.

Therefore, the head of the Tebyan Center asked the dear people of Afghanistan, including academics, scholars, students, scholars and all the suffering people of the country, to seriously take action in both fields and especially the virtual space with their presence for the benefit of the suffering people. But let the heroes conquer Palestine and pray for the victory of the Mujahedeen of Hamas and Islamic Jihad in all Masjids, and all religious centers by organizing prayers for the needy and prayer meetings.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Ministry of Health announced today, Tuesday, October 31, that about 400 Palestinians were martyred and injured in a new and horrific crime by the Zionist regime against the Jabalia camp. Despite today's martyrs in Gaza, the number of those who were martyred by the Zionist criminal regime in the last 25 days has increased to more than 9 thousand people, most of whom are women and children.
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