Publish dateSunday 29 October 2023 - 11:19
Story Code : 279385
The Zionists were ambushed by the resistance/ the increase of the martyrs of Gaza to more than 8 thousand people
Al-Aqsa storm operation has entered its 23rd day while the unique victories of the resistance fighters in the battle against the Zionists continue and the Zionist regime continues its brutal crimes against the defenseless people of the Gaza Strip with the green light and the support and participation of the United States.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The 23rd day of the Al-Aqsa storm operation began this morning (Sunday) while the Zionist regime simultaneously bombarded various areas in the Gaza Strip in order to bring the people and the Palestinian resistance to their knees. There is fire and water, but the whole achievement of this regime is the killing of most of the defenseless people and the massive destruction of the infrastructure of this region and the homes of the citizens.
  The Israeli army has admitted that 310 Israeli soldiers have been killed since the start of the Al-Aqsa storm operation.
The Israeli army also announced that during this period 229 Zionists were captured by the Palestinian resistance.
In response to the Zionists' crime in attacking civilians, the Palestinian resistance has targeted Tel Aviv and other Zionist cities with rocket attacks on several occasions.
The increase of the martyrs of Gaza to more than 8 thousand people
At the same time as the heavy attacks of the Zionist regime on the north of the Gaza Strip, the Ministry of Public Health of Palestine announced that the number of martyrs in this region has increased to more than 8 thousand people.
Palestinian media reported that the Zionist interim regime is bombarding the northern Gaza Strip using phosphorous bombs.
Palestinian hospital sources reported that the number of martyrs has increased to more than 8,000 people, most of whom are women and children, with the continuation of the criminal attacks of the interim Zionist regime on the Gaza Strip.
On the other hand, local sources reported that the northern areas of the Gaza Strip are under the most intense air attacks by the occupiers of child killers in the last three weeks.
Earlier, the head of the International Committee of the Red Cross stated that the intensity of suffering and humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip is shocking, saying that the hospitals in Gaza are on the verge of collapse due to lack of equipment.
The Zionist soldiers were trapped in the ambush of the Palestinian resistance forces
"Al-Mayadeen" network reported this morning (Sunday) that the Palestinian resistance forces have succeeded in surprising a group of Zionist soldiers.
"Al-Mayadeen" network, citing its correspondent in the occupied Palestinian territories, reported that a group of the Zionist infantry forces were trapped in the ambush of the resistance forces in "Sofa" east of Rafah.
This Lebanese channel further added that this group was forced to withdraw from Rafah after 3 hours of fierce fighting with resistance fighters.
On Friday night of last week, following the issuance of the "expanding ground operation" order, the Zionist army planned to enter the Gaza Strip, but was met with fire by the Palestinian resistance forces.
Kataib al-Qassam, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, announced in a statement that the resistance forces targeted the armored vehicles of the Zionist regime as soon as they approached Nawaz, Gaza.
The senior member of the Hamas Political Bureau, Mosa Abu Marzoq, said in an interview with the Sputnik news agency yesterday that when Israel's military operation is unsuccessful, they announce that the attack was not an official ground operation.
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