Publish dateSaturday 11 March 2023 - 15:44
Story Code : 266760
Fear of freedom, attack on consciousness
This cowardly attack took place along with another bloody incident that targeted the AVA news agency and the Tebyan center in Kabul in 1396 AH, in which 52 members of the staff and elites of the Tebyan center, religious scholars, students, and seminarians were martyred. And about 140 other people were injured. After that event, this great complex and cultural flow, more powerful, more determined and more effective than ever, stood in the difficult fields of the cultural war against excommunication, terror, usurpation and occupation...
This time, the representative offices of Tebyan Social Cultural Activities Center and Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) were attacked by terrorists in Mazar-e-Sharif city, during which dozens of people, including a large number of journalists, educators, religious scholars and students, were martyred and injured.
This cowardly attack took place along with another bloody incident that targeted the AVA news agency and the Tebyan center in Kabul in 1396 AH, in which 52 members of the staff and elites of the Tebyan center, religious scholars, students, and seminarians were martyred. And about 140 other people were injured.
After that event, this great cultural group, more powerful, more determined and more effective than ever, stood in the difficult fields of the cultural war against blasphemy, terror, usurpation and occupation, and did not allow its humble enemies to reach their ultimate goal, which is Dismantling the cultural confrontation and anti-arrogance media front, cultural invasion against Islamic societies and occupation, violation of national sovereignty and looting of national resources of Muslim countries, especially Afghanistan.
Since the deadly attack in 1396 AH, our enemies have become weaker and weaker on all fronts. The occupying forces were forced to leave the country humiliatingly and shamefully fleeing the history-making struggles of the Muslim Mujahedeen, and their takfiri terrorists from Iraq and Syria to Afghanistan were captured and destroyed under the shadow of the unique efforts of the proud leaders of Islam.
On the other hand, the cultural front of the Tebyan Center and the AVA reporter has had a brave, influential and current-making presence in all fields with the utmost strength and determination, and with the defeat of the occupation projects and the containment of the cultural invasion of the world-loving America and other reactionary regimes. Puppet of Arrogance has now become the most active, progressive and fruitful cultural and media front in Afghanistan, and has expanded its body in the region as one of the prominent sides and powerful arms of cultural resistance against arrogance and takfiriism.
Therefore, the brutal terrorist attack on the representative offices of the Tebyan Social Cultural Center and the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) in Mazar-e-Sharif is an attack of desperation and humiliation, and the weakness and failure of our humiliated enemy. An adversary humiliatingly defeated and madly seeking revenge.
These attacks will make us stronger, more determined and more powerful; Just as it happened after the attack in 1396 AHAAAA   ; Because this huge and deep-rooted group is based on the will and faith of the elite, committed and pious young people, which will not suffer any damage or disturbance, and with the martyrdom and sacrifice of a number of the followers of this bright and holy path, this faith and will of the survivors will be doubled. And they will continue the way of the martyrs with a strong determination and an unquestionable decision until the realization of their holy ideal, which is to establish a free, aware, awake and resistant society against the arrogant, anti-occupation and enemy of terror and takfir conspiracies.
However, this does not diminish the responsibilities of the established government to ensure the security of cultural and media centers, especially the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) and Tebyan Social Cultural Center; A collection that moves in the intellectual and political line of the "Islamic system" and to follow this inviolable line, has been the target of brutal attacks by the enemies of the language of this land and the undisputed mercenaries of American colonialism and arrogance.
It is expected that following this incident, the Islamic Emirate will take action to identify and punish the perpetrators of this cowardly crime and at the same time take specific and effective steps to ensure the security of cultural and media centers, especially the AVA News Agency and the Tebyan Center, in order to In this order, both the evil plans and deadly conspiracies of the enemy will be neutralized, and the intellectual, cultural and media streams aligned with the system, in complete security and immunity, aligned with the goals and strategies of the established system to realize goals and secure common interests.
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