Publish dateThursday 29 December 2022 - 09:56
Story Code : 263059
Hussaini Mazari at the organizational meeting "Afghanistan and the issue of women; From Western-oriented Republic to Islamic Emirate" in Tehran;

From extreme to extreme in the issue of women in Afghanistan; Those involved in the Islamic Emirate should correct their views!

From extreme to extreme in the issue of women in Afghanistan; Those involved in the Islamic Emirate should correct their views!
In a meeting which was held by the center's representative office in Tehran, the head of the Tebyan Center for Cultural and Social Activities stated that during the republic there was excess towards the issue of women and during the time of the Islamic Emirate it’s the same, he clearly stated that he does not like the view of the Islamic Emirate towards women and think it is a wrong view, and there are many reasons for rejecting this wrong view and opposing it, Including the explicit text of the Holy Quran and the traditions of the infallible imams, peace be upon them, who considered it obligatory for both men and women to study. Referring to the incitement of practically half of the society against the government, Hussaini Mazari suggested to the officials of the Islamic Emirate to correct their views on women and make the family of the Prophet (PBUH) their model.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: Simultaneously with the arrival of the martyrdom of Hazrat Zahra (s.a.); An organizational meeting held under the title of "Afghanistan and the issue of women; From the Western-oriented Republic to the Islamic Emirate" was held by the representative office of the Tebyan Center in Tehran, with the presence of the General Director of Tebyan Center for Social and Cultural Activities, Hojjat al-Islam Wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, on Friday, December 16.
Elegy, mention of calamity and question and answer by the participants about the topic of the meeting were among the other programs of this organizational meeting.
According to Islam, women have the same rights as men
Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, the general director of the Tebyan Center for Social Cultural Activities and Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), who spoke at this organizational meeting, while offering condolences on the martyrdom of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (s.a.), said: "Woman according to Islam" has the same rights as men. From the point of view of the Holy Quran, there is no discrimination in any part of the rights between men and women. It is not that there are more than men and less than women in the field of law; Of course, there are differences in some executive tasks.
Equal rights of men and women is the motto of communism!
He further added: When they say that the rights of men and women are equal, but some people confused of equality. The view of Islam is equality, but the view of communism is something else, and the slogan of communists is equality between men and women, which is very wrong. Equality is like, for example, in the matter of eating, if a man eats two kilos of food, a woman must also eat two kilos of food, but the issue of equality is that a man can be satisfied with two kilos, but a woman may be satisfied with one kilo.
The main history maker and change maker is a woman
The head of the Tebyan center stated that the main history maker and change maker is a woman, and said: When we investigate, we will find that 124 thousand prophets who came in different fields to reform and transform the society were born from the laps of believing and religious women. If women were not believers and if they did not put effort in educating such elements, these prophets could not bring about change.
He said: I believe that the main history maker and change maker is women, because if we want to create a change in the society, the change must first be made at the level of the women of the society and their scientific, religious, cultural and life level should be created. In these areas, women should rise and become learned and religious women. Then, if such a transformation occurs at the level of women, these women can create transformation in the society. Why? Because a woman is the teacher of the family, she can educate her children, and even be influential in guiding and leading her husband.
A woman is a family and community educator
According to this prominent religious scholar: society is made up of families and several tens or millions of families make up a society. Therefore, a woman is a family educator, she is also a community educator; therefore, with whatever way of thinking a woman is present in the family and society and does effective work, the society will also move in the same direction.
The cause of the backwardness and problems of the country is caused by extreme and excessive dealings with women
In response to the question of why we are facing problems and backwardness in Afghanistan, the Director General of Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) added: We do not have women who have evolved, because the character of women has always been played with. It has always been extreme towards women. The woman's character has always been affected and the woman has not been able to find her main place in the society and fulfill her main duty in the society.
The whole effort of the West was to distract the Afghan Muslim woman from her main duty
This is where he said: If we pay attention to women only in the last two decades, we will realize that this oppressed and oppressor creature has been subjected to great tragedies and atrocities! During the republic, it can be said that most of the attention of the West was to remove this creature and its spectrum from its main duties.
Hussaini Mazari pointed out: Westerners knew that in Afghanistan, a woman has a very good position as a mother, sister, and wife, and as long as the women of the Afghan society are healthy, this society is definitely uncontrollable, so they should pay attention and work towards women and this spectrum is removed from its main task, diverted or turned against its main tasks, which is the education and management of people and society.
He further expressed his regret that on the other hand, the Islamic currents did not have a specific, documented and organized plan for women, and there was indifference and neglect towards women, so In relation to the field of women's activities, nothing has been done and no money has been spent.
The damage done to the women's society during the republican period will take decades to be compensated
This cultural and social activist pointed out: Unfortunately, we will not be able to compensate for the damage done to the women of our society during the republican period in ten years. Although more than 170 thousand women, men, children and young people were martyred by American soldiers and their Afghan mercenaries in Afghanistan during twenty years, our economic infrastructure was destroyed and very deadly blows were inflicted on our economy, but the silent murders that Through the enemy's soft front and cultural and media activities against the people of Afghanistan, it reaches millions of people.
According to him: the murders that took place in Afghanistan through the activities of the soft front, such as the enemy's cultural and media activities, are more than hundreds of thousands and even millions of people; Millions of our youth, both male and female, were separated from their human and Islamic identity. Basically, the West attacked Islam and religion by attacking the character of women, and you could see in Afghanistan that there was practically no religious teachings.
Hussaini Mazari explained about the negative effects of the enemy's soft front and added: If we take a look at the various communities and spectrums of society, we will realize that Allah (SWT), the Prophet (pbuh) and imams (a.s.), ethnic, religious, Race and religion are important to people, even seemingly religious figures. Of course, this issue is not only inside Afghanistan, but also outside of Afghanistan, you can see the ethnic, religious, regional and directional differences.
He says: The betrayal of Afghan women's rights in the past 20 years may not have happened in decades. Although the communists did very bad things as soon as they were present and inflicted heavy blows on our people, the work of the westerners was a movement that has no history in the history of Afghanistan.
But according to this cultural and social activist, this movement of Western liberal democracy apparently failed, but I do not believe that Westerners have given up on the people of Afghanistan in every sense.
An extreme view of the issue of women in the era of the Islamic Republic and Emirate
Hussaini Mazari added: Despite the fact that during the republic there was excess towards the issue of women, there is excess during the Islamic Emirate. At the same time, our effort is to interact with the Islamic Emirate and we tried in all aspects to interact with this structure, because it has many positive features that I explained in a seven-part article.
The salient features of the Islamic Emirate
According to him: The Islamic Emirate has very prominent features that really did not exist in Afghanistan during the past decades. For this reason, I believe that there is a very pure opportunity in Afghanistan that we should use this opportunity to grow and strengthen and realize the rights of our people and serve seriously for the development of Afghanistan and our people.
Of course, according to the head of Tebyan Center, there are also problems and obstacles in the path of struggle, including the wrong view of the Islamic Emirate towards Afghan women.
We consider the view of the Islamic Emirate towards women to be wrong
However, in response to the recent action of the Islamic Emirate, Hussaini Mazari emphasized: I clearly do not like the view of the Islamic Emirate towards women, and I think it is a wrong view, and there are many reasons for rejecting this wrong view and opposing it. Including the explicit text of the Holy Quran and the traditions of the infallible imams, peace be upon them, who considered it obligatory for both men and women to study. Closing the doors of schools and universities is condemned and rejected both from the point of view of the explicit text of the Holy Quran and the explicit text of the traditions of the infallible imams, peace be upon them, and also from the point of view of affecting the progress of society.
The head of the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) stated that there is no reason for the Islamic Emirate to justify and analyze the issue of blocking the doors of schools and universities, and added: In the current situation, Afghanistan needs stability and peace, as well as sovereignty. It affects the social base and popular support, this process firstly affects the progress of women and girls and on the other hand, people's thoughts are mobilized against the government, because half of the society is women, and in fact, the Islamic Emirate, with this move, is destroying half of the society.
The Islamic Emirate should follow the example of the family of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Immaculate Imams (a.s.) to correct their view of women!
Hussaini Mazari addressed the officials of the Islamic Emirate and said: "The officials of the Islamic Emirate should look to the family of the Prophet (PBUH) like Hazrat Khadijah (s.a.), Hazrat Fatima (s.a.) and Hazrat Zainab (s.a.),. I don't think that the Sunni caliphs have a different view regarding women. The Islamic Emirate has created a very serious concern for the Afghan society."
Based on this, he noted: My suggestion to the Islamic Emirate is that it should correct its view regarding women. Our slogan is interaction, which means that we are interested in this emirate and to interact with each other, to make reforms in relation to the structures and policies, and to be able to do political, cultural and management work in the society along with the Islamic emirate. All hand in hand let’s also bring a strong Islamic government in Afghanistan.
But according to this cultural and social activist, this does not mean that we should close our eyes to every wrong action and every mistake in the Afghan society of every individual. Let us sit quietly, whether it is government or non-government. No! The women's issue is a fundamental and basic issue and we cannot close our eyes to half of the society and be silent about any injustice and look that was done towards this body.
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