Publish dateMonday 12 December 2022 - 11:58
Story Code : 262192
Border conflicts with Pakistan; Where is the root of the problem?
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Today's view: The negotiating of Durand line should be broken one day and it seems that Afghanistan has paid enough for the dignity of this legal problem and as a result of decades of Pakistan's intervention to destabilize the country. And preventing the formation of a powerful central government in Kabul, our country has become a victim of an unwise policy towards the Durand issue.
The Pakistan Army said that the "unprovoked attacks" of the Islamic Emirate forces at the Chaman border crossing in Balochistan have left at least 6 dead and 17 wounded "civilians".
The public relations of the Pakistani army said that the forces of the Islamic Emirate "used heavy weapons including cannons and mortars" in the Chaman area on Sunday.
Afghanistan has not officially reacted in this case and the number of victims from Afghanistan is still unknown.
The Pakistan Army's statement said that "the border forces" have been allowed to respond appropriately to what it called an "unprovoked attack" by the Taliban border forces.
Dan Pakistan newspaper also quoted the police officer of Chaman region and reported that the conflict started today after a rocket was fired into Pakistani territory, after which the Pakistani officials contacted their counterparts in Kabul and demanded "serious action to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents."
The published images show that this event left financial losses in addition to human casualties.
This is the latest bloody border conflict between Islamic Emirate and Pakistani forces; the conflicts that have occurred with Pakistan since the establishment of the Islamic Emirate, more than any other country, and this can never be normal.
Therefore, the important question is, where is the root of the problems? Why despite the formation of a joint committee between the two sides that occurred following the recent tension, bigger problems and more bloody conflicts still occur and the two countries cannot handle the safe management of the common borders?
The first problem is that the Pakistanis are trying to accept the current borders, which are based on a "hypothetical" line, as the official and permanent borders between the two countries on the Islamic Emirate; What they wanted to do with previous governments; But they did not succeed and one of the main reasons for their enmity with the previous governments was this issue.
The story of pulling the barbed wire along the Durand Line, which became controversial in the first months of the Islamic Emirate's regaining power and even dragged the feet of the defense minister to the border areas, is a clear example in this field that shows that Pakistanis are desperately trying to establish their sovereignty over the disputed borders without an agreement being reached between the parties.
The next issue is that some armed groups against the government of Pakistan are active in the border areas between the two countries and attack the Pakistani military from time to time. The government of Pakistan has said in the past that three terrorist groups including ISIS, Baluchistan Liberation Army and Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan or TTP are present in the border districts of Afghanistan and have the support of Kabul.
Afghanistan has consistently denied this accusation; but armed attacks from Afghanistan on Pakistani military are not something that can be denied.
In the recent incident, it is said that a rocket was fired from the territory of Afghanistan on the residential areas across the border line, leaving a number of dead and injured, and after that, a conflict occurred between the border guards of both sides.
Whatever the reality, it shows that the roots of insecurity and conflict are deeper and longer than the unprofessional performance of the border guards.
Of course, there is a third factor in this, and that is the inappropriate treatment of Pakistani border guards with Afghan travelers and immigrants at the zero point of the border. What seems to have happened before the recent event caused a bloody conflict between the two sides and led to a week-long blockade of the border for goods and passengers.
In this regard, the mere formation of the joint border committee will not solve the problem. This problem has deeper roots, and it is necessary for the governments to enter into frank, direct and effective negotiations to address problematic issues, including the fate of the Durand Line.
The taboo of negotiating Durand must be broken one day, and it seems that Afghanistan has paid enough for the prestige of this legal problem, and as a result of decades of Pakistan's intervention to destabilize the country and prevent the formation of a powerful central government in Kabul.
Nevertheless, the Islamic Emirate had announced at the very beginning that it is not within its jurisdiction to make a decision about Durand, and that the "people of Afghanistan" should make a decision in this regard; In this way, considering that the internal legitimacy of the established system has not yet been secured through known mechanisms such as elections, national peace agreement, referendum. A stable and permanent solution to this issue is beyond the power of the Islamic Emirate but to reduce its harmful consequences, steps should be taken to break this setuation and form a competent national authority to negotiate with Pakistan under the supervision of a third party such as the United Nations.
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