Publish dateWednesday 16 November 2022 - 16:49
Story Code : 261033
The current situation in Afghanistan is the result of 20 years of American presence and occupation
The special representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Afghanistan said in an interview on the sidelines of the Moscow consultative meeting that the current situation in Afghanistan is the result of twenty years of American occupation. He clarified that the purpose of this meeting was to improve the political, economic and security situation of Afghanistan and the region, and the result will reach the ears of the current rulers of Afghanistan.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Iran's Special Representative for Afghanistan Affairs, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, on the sidelines of the Moscow meeting, in a conversation with "Sputnik" news agency, said that today's developments in Afghanistan are complicated for everyone and that this situation is the result of the 20-year occupation of Afghanistan by America. It is possible that the result was nothing but killing and destruction.
He added: We are witnessing a very difficult situation in the political, security, economic and even social fields after the planned withdrawal of America from Afghanistan.
The special representative of Iran in Afghanistan stated: Fortunately, today the neighboring countries and the region are determined to help create a stable and safe Afghanistan. Because the stability and security of the region depends on the stability of Afghanistan. As much as Afghanistan improves and its economy and security improve, it will naturally increase security in the region.
Kazemi Qomi stated that in this meeting, the neighboring countries and the region will consult to find out how they can help improve the conditions and people of Afghanistan in the current situation.
He pointed out: In the Moscow format summit, the neighboring countries are discussing how to improve security, how to model the political process that represents the participation of everyone in a governance so that all the ethnic groups of Afghanistan can play a role. He emphasized that the Islamic Republic of Iran helps the current government to improve the condition of the people.
In response to why the representatives of the Islamic Emirate are not present at the Moscow meeting, this Iranian official said: The meetings and summits that have been organized on the issue of Afghanistan have been in several formats. For example, the meeting of the ministers of neighboring countries was held in Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and China and will be held in Tashkent in the future.
According to him; It is supposed that a collective dialogue between the countries will take place in this meeting and the result of the meeting will be transferred to the rulers of Kabul in order to help them.
It should be noted that the "Moscow Format" meeting is being held in Moscow with the presence of representatives of neighboring countries and the region, with the aim of examining the situation in Afghanistan.
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