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The reasons for the end of the mission of the former consul of Afghanistan in Mashhad

30 May 2024 - 11:33

Rahmatullah Faizan/ The consulate of a country works as an institution in line with the interests of the country and its nationals, provides consular services and works in the field of economic and cultural business development. As the official representative of the government of a country in a host country, the consul is at the head of this institution.

Protecting the interests of nationals of their own country who are temporarily or permanently residing in the host country of the consulate, issuing visas to foreign nationals who intend to travel to the country of the consulate, issuing or renewing passports, arranging and issuing other identity documents for nationals of the country It is one of the important tasks of the consul to take care of himself as well as the growth and development of commercial, economic and cultural affairs.
Afghanistan, as an independent country and a member of the international community, has relations and interactions with the countries of the world, including three active political and consular representations in Iran in the cities of Tehran, Mashhad and Zahedan.
Recently, in the media, the issue of the termination of the duties of Mr. Jaber Ansar, the former consul in Mashhad, which is a completely normal administrative issue, has caused a stir, which needs to be shared in the field of several points.
First, a person named Jabir Ansar, the son of Haji Attaullah, a resident of Marabad village, Pashtun Zarghon district, Herat province, who was appointed as the consul general of Afghanistan in Mashhad during the republican government in 2018, who was previously described as the head of Targhandi port in Herat, the director of industry And the trade in Herat and the commercial fire of the Afghan embassy in Tehran worked.
During Mr. Ansar's five-year mission, many complaints of corruption and fraud by Afghans living in Iran, including his connection with mafia groups, illegal trade and smuggling, extraction of competent and expert people and the creation of a corrupt network, were issued and extended. Passports were illegally issued to people and other legal documents without regard to legal regulations. In the same way, complaints related to other corruptions during the Republic and also during the Emirate have reached the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
With the arrival of the Islamic Emirate, a storm of complaints from the consulate in Mashhad about Mr. Jaber Ansar was registered by Afghan immigrants. Based on these complaints, various research teams were sent there by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and investigated all the complaints of Afghan immigrants in Mashhad against Mr. Jaber Ansar.
After comprehensive investigations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs decided to end the mission of Mr. Ansar and announced the beginning of the mission of Mr. Nasir Ahmad Haqqani instead of the appointed one on the 3rd of Gemini this year, and this matter was also officially informed to the host country.
In the end, it should be noted that apart from the corruption issue, the mentioned mission was ended in a normal manner according to the law and he should return to Afghanistan and after clearing the charges, if necessary, he should start his new duty.

Story Code: 291240

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