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Deprivation of girls from education; Islamic or humane?

23 Dec 2022 - 11:06

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Today's view: Afghanistan is the only country in the world where girls' education at all levels is prohibited. This is despite the fact that it is not the only Islamic country and no one can claim that this is because a pure and one hundred percent Islamic system has ruled the country, which is different from all the Islamic systems ruling the world!

Abdul Salam Zaeef; One of the key figures of the first period of the Islamic Emirate's rule and its former ambassador in Islamabad, in response to the recent order of the Ministry of Higher Education to ban girls from continuing their education in universities, republished a tweet he had written a few months ago, in which he wrote that it is better About women's work, education and social activities, a group of 50 distinguished scholars should be formed to conduct research in this field "according to Islamic Sharia" and create a procedure for them.

He added that in this way it is possible to determine the "limits and rights of women according to Sharia".
At the same time, Hossein Ebrahim Taha; The Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation condemned this "upsetting decision" and said that suspending girls' access to university courses, as it deprives Afghan girls and women of the right to education, employment and social justice, severely and quickly seriously undermines the credibility of the Islamic Emirate's government.
A major part of the reactions expressed against this controversial and controversial decision has been from religious scholars, Islamic organizations and religious authorities, as well as Muslim governments in the region.
All those who have reacted to this decision, called the Islamic Emirate to review this matter and to legislate the education of girls, the government should follow the religious teachings, hadiths and life of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH), the family of purity and purity, the Companions And also Muslim scholars have returned.
These reactions show that deciding on the absolute prohibition of girls' education and citing it to Sharia and religious texts is never simply possible; Because Islamic jurisprudence, hadith, and theology clearly challenge this decision and question its religious legitimacy and Shariah justification.
On the other hand, the reaction of Abdul Salam shows that even within the Islamic Emirate, this decision has serious and stubborn opponents, and those who have adopted and implemented it, may not be able to show the integrity and unity of the leaders of the Islamic Emirate.
Therefore, it is better that this challenge be solved first within the government and the leaders of the Islamic Emirate reach a comprehensive and verifiable consensus about its correctness or incorrectness, and then take steps to apply and implement it at the community level.
Another point is that Afghanistan is the only country in the world where the education and training of girls at all levels is prohibited. This is despite the fact that it is not the only Islamic country and no one can claim that this is because a pure and one hundred percent Islamic system has ruled the country, which is different from all the Islamic systems ruling the world!
Only in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, whose Secretary General has openly condemned the recent decision of the Ministry of Higher Education regarding the categorical ban on girls' education, 57 Muslim countries are members, none of which prohibits girls' education. Is the Islam ruling Afghanistan different from the Islam ruling other Islamic countries, from earth to heaven?
In the past, the heads of some regimes in the region, including the former prime minister of Pakistan, in justifying the ban on girls' education by the Islamic Emirate, claimed that this is a cultural tradition of the Afghan people and that according to Afghans, girls' education is a disgrace and shame. Therefore, the world should respect this tradition and recognize it.
This is an open lie and blatant slander; Because the general people of Afghanistan agree with the education and training of girls and consider it in line with the religious beliefs and Islamic Shari'a orders. Perhaps, in the meantime, narrow-minded and bigoted families may also be found who have an opposing opinion about this matter; But they neither represent Islam nor the cultural traditions of the Afghan people.
Based on this, banning girls from studying in schools and universities is neither Islamic, nor humane, nor based on the country's cultural and national traditions; Therefore, it is expected that the gates of universities and schools will be opened quickly for girls and this controversial and baseless decision will be reconsidered once and for all; Because this deprives millions of Muslim girls of their human and Islamic rights to acquire knowledge and knowledge of God and existence and to understand the teachings of the Qur'an and to know the history and destiny of man and the world based on the teachings of the humanist school of Islam. And it fuels ignorance and stagnation among the Muslim Ummah.

Story Code: 262753

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