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Britain crime, Britain justice

17 Dec 2022 - 14:38

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Today's View: Which independent international authority supervises the investigation process of the British government? Who represents the families of the victims of British crimes in this mock and ridiculous court? Who is their lawyer? Basically, who are going to be tried and punished during this process? What do the laws say about the brutal killing of civilians in their homes and the shooting of innocent children, and what guarantee is there that these laws will be enforced on the murderous and aggressor British soldiers?

Following the disclosure of new details of the killing of civilians in Afghanistan by British forces, the British Ministry of Defense has claimed that it has launched an "independent" investigation.
In a recently published BBC investigative report, it is stated that British Special Forces raided a house in Afghanistan in 2012, killed a young parent, and shot and wounded their young children.
The command of these Special Forces has never referred this incident to the military police and it has not been investigated in any way so far.
Earlier, it was reported that 64 children were killed during the operations of British soldiers in Afghanistan. According to this report, the British government paid "compensation" for 64 children; while only the death of 16 children was confirmed.
It has been said that the head of this research is Lord Justice Haddon Q; It will be presided over by the Chief Justice of England and Wales, who himself has previous experience in the "defense" field.
The British Ministry of Defense has emphasized that the members of the armed forces will receive legal and welfare support in cases where they face accusations related to their performance during the service.
Everything indicates that regardless of the results of the new decision of the British Ministry of Defense, this decision will never lead to the realization and provision of justice for the victims of these crimes.
Again, as always, the plaintiff is English, the defendants, the inspector, the prosecutor, the judge and the executioner. In the meantime, the British Ministry of Defense has announced that it has started an "independent" investigation in this field, taking a human rights stance; which "independent" research? How can this independence be ensured when the same ministry conducts an investigation which itself is in the position of accused and criminal and must be tried and punished?
On the other hand, an "English" judge is supposed to deal with this case. This is despite the fact that the crimes committed by the British Special Forces occurred in another country and are examples of international crimes that should be dealt with by an international court or the court where the crime occurred or the court of the victim's home country.
However, English justice requires that only an English judge has the right to try English crimes; The same person who has a history of military activities and probably once was a member of the British armed forces.
Therefore, he can very well serve the interests of the nation, nationality, spectrum and class and deliberately ignore the rights of the oppressed victims of the shocking crimes of the British occupying forces in Afghanistan.
Which independent international authority oversees the British government's investigation process? Who represents the families of the victims of British crimes in this fake and ridiculous court? Who is their lawyer? Basically, who are going to be tried and punished during this process? What do the laws say about the brutal killing of civilians in their homes and the shooting of innocent children, and what guarantee is there that these laws will be enforced on the murderous and aggressor British soldiers?
In the meantime, imagine that the same horrible and shocking crimes were happening in another country by one of the countries opposing England. At that time, did the BBC media, the British government, the Ministry of Defense and the judicial system of that country consider the "independent" investigation of the criminal government as justified and did they trust the decisions of the military judge of the country of the criminals and consider it legitimate and fair?
Why these events about England, America, France and other NATO members are good and justifiable and legitimate; But regarding other nations, it is considered a serious violation of human rights, and the governments should be sanctioned, isolated, and condemned, and an "independent" court should be held to deal with the rights of the nations from their side?
Where are the so-called human rights organizations and women's rights defenders who do not hold the British authorities accountable for these horrific crimes? Was the Afghan bride who was shot in her house not a woman, or did she have no rights, or was her blood thinner than the women whom today the West is trying to defend and interferes in the internal affairs of independent countries under the pretext of defending their rights? Will it lead other countries to chaos, crisis, turmoil, rebellion and insecurity?

Story Code: 262465

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