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A shocking report: Afghans still worried and frustrated

11 Sep 2022 - 11:44

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Today's View: Regardless of the possible political goals and intentions involved in the results obtained from the Gallup Institute, the established government has a responsibility to create social vitality, revive the hopes of the people and lay the groundwork for the formation of a belief. Be clear about the future, make policies and act; because this ultimately helps to establish and stabilize in all areas, especially political and security and puts the country on the right track.

In a new survey, the Gallup polling organization has evaluated how sad the citizens of different countries are in 2021, and as a result, the citizens of Afghanistan are known as the saddest people in the world.
Gallup said that in the 2021 evaluation of this institute, Afghanistan and other countries that had a high score in the negative experience index of this survey were facing economic and political instability that has affected the mental health of the people.
Afghanistan is at the top of this index with 59 points and then Lebanon is the second country with the most unhappy citizens with 58 points.
According to this survey, 89% of Afghans are worried, 73% are under pressure and 61% are sad.
This survey was conducted last year after the return of the "Islamic Emirate" to power and the withdrawal of Western forces from Afghanistan.
Gallup says that since the start of the organization's polling process, the people of any country have not felt so worried.
Part of this assessment may have political motives. The dominance of the "Islamic Emirate" was undoubtedly not desired by the Western powers and organizations such as Gallup also follow the policies and interests of their respective countries and this may interfere in their evaluations.
However, even if we ignore the results of the Gallup assessment, the social situation in Afghanistan is never favorable; because people are not satisfied with the current situation, especially in the economic field. There is a crisis, a human catastrophe caused by poverty, unemployment and economic bankruptcy threatens the country and millions of people need international aid to survive the coming winter.
Although the "Islamic Emirate" was able to manage the crisis well during one year of its rule and contrary to the evaluations, calculations and expectations of Western powers and organizations and this is commendable in its own part; But the outlook ahead is still worrying; Because the economic situation has not changed significantly, the national assets are still blocked by the US and the cruel sanctions on the government and the people have had a negative and destructive effect on the vital arteries of the national economy.
In addition, the stagnant process of political reforms and the continuation of the work of the "interim government" undoubtedly affects people's view of the future and this is what is reflected in the new Gallup survey.
According to this assessment, the future is still uncertain and the instability and lack of establishment and strength and stability in the political, security and economic situation are considered to be major indicators affecting this assessment.
Regardless of the possible political intentions involved in the results obtained from Gallup's research, the established government has the responsibility to create social vitality, revive people's hopes and lay the groundwork for the formation of a clear belief about the future; Because this ultimately helps to establish and stabilize in all areas, especially political and security, and puts the country on the right track.
Launching political reforms to gain national legitimacy, laying the groundwork for meaningful participation of all classes and ethnic groups in the power structure, creating a constitution, national anthem and flag, laying the groundwork for work and education and the active presence of all spectrums, including women and girls and their presence in cultural, educational, social, economic and even political trends, establishing positive relations based on independence and respect with other countries and wisely overcoming the challenges and difficulties that are on the way to realizing these goals are among the steps and actions that The government can take action to restore social hope and change people's worried attitude towards their future and destiny.
In the meantime, the contribution of people, mass media, intellectual and cultural currents and social networks in creating hope and vitality and helping to build a better future should not be ignored. This great capacity of power comes into action when the government and rulers have the necessary trust in their people, base their legitimacy on the will of the people, and make them responsible by establishing legitimate laws and providing the basis for effective participation. Encourage acceptance of their fate.
What should be noted now is that people are deeply worried and disappointed, and this is never in favor of political and security stability and establishment, and if nothing is done to change it in the medium term, it can threaten the survival and political life of the government. The Gallup report can be a platform and an excuse for reform and change so that the government and the nation can lead the country in the right direction with constructive participation.

Story Code: 258446

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