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Terrorism and the justification of American aggression on Afghanistan

29 Aug 2022 - 10:54

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Today's view: America is once again finding ways to restore its illegal rule, one year after it quietly left Afghanistan. Washington is trying to legitimize the violation of Afghan airspace under the pretext of fighting "terrorism" with the help of the puppet regimes in the region that have given bases to the aggressor American military.

Joe Biden; On the first anniversary of last year's deadly attack near Kabul Airport, the US President says that Washington will maintain pressure on "terrorist" groups without a military presence in Afghanistan.
This is while the authorities of "Islamic Emirate" deny the active and effective presence of terrorist groups in the country.
Zabihullah Mujahid; The spokesman of the "Islamic Emirate" says that currently, the security of the entire country is provided under the unified rule and no danger threatens the countries of the region and the world from Afghanistan.
Not long ago, America carried out a drone strike in Kabul, and two days after this incident, Biden claimed that Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of al-Qaeda, was killed in this attack.
After this incident, "Islamic Emirate" and America accused each other of violating the Doha Agreement.
At the same time, the authorities of the "Islamic Emirate" have stated that they are unaware of the presence of the Al-Qaeda leader in Afghanistan.
However, after these events, the negotiation process for the release of Afghanistan's national assets blocked by the US was disrupted, and on the other hand, several reports were published about the increase in US drone patrols in our country's airspace.
This shows that America is once again finding ways to restore its illegal rule, one year after withdrawal from Afghanistan. Washington is trying to legitimize the violation of Afghan airspace under the pretext of fighting "terrorism" with the help of the puppet regimes and henchmen in the region that have given bases to the aggressive American military and repeat it so much that it becomes an event.
The reality is that the return of America to Afghanistan, no matter what form it takes, will never benefit peace and stability in our country and the region. America was present in Afghanistan during the last 20 years; but this presence had no consequences other than disaster, insecurity, instability, crime and war for the nations of the region and the people of Afghanistan. The consequences that continue and take victims from our people every day.
America's 20-year presence proved that for Washington, fighting "terrorism" has never been a real priority; Because the American army and its allies in NATO never tried to deal with "terrorism" during their two decades of occupying Afghanistan; Rather, on the contrary, their relations with the known regimes that support terrorism in the region became stronger and established day by day, and in the meantime, only the people of Afghanistan suffered the heavy and deadly price of America's false war on terrorism; The same people whose assets are blocked today by the criminal America so that a part of it is paid as "compensation" to the victims of the September 11 attacks; But America and its allies are not willing to pay compensation to the real victims of terrorism, the defenseless people of Afghanistan, for two decades of imposing war and committing crimes and turning our country into a center of proxy wars and the activities of more than 20 terrorist groups.
That is why Joe Biden brazenly continued on the anniversary of one of the clearly criminal attacks of the US army on a residential house in Kabul, which resulted in the death of 10 civilians, including 7 innocent children. It emphasizes "terrorist" groups; Terrorist groups, which are no different from the people of Afghanistan in the eyes of the American army, and if only civilians were killed because of America's confrontation with "terrorism", it is justified and legitimate!
Now, even though America and NATO have failed in the war in Afghanistan and have been shamefully forced to leave the country, terrorism is still not dead for America and it can still be used as a tool to justify domination and military aggression and the presence and activity of American espionage in be used in our country and region.
Of course, as mentioned above and the Taliban officials have also confirmed, these are the neighboring governments and mercenary regimes in the region, which through a secret collusion with America, enable Washington to use the soil, security centers and Their military airfields violate Afghanistan's airspace and even if they want to bomb civilian areas.
Therefore, the Kabul-based government, in addition to sending a strong message to Washington about the consequences of America's continued military and intelligence aggression against Afghanistan, should also warn the American mercenary regimes in the region that cooperating with America to facilitate Washington's aggression against Afghanistan is a clear violation. And it is the intention of the national sovereignty of our country and it will not remain unanswered.

Story Code: 257790

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