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Tashkent meeting; Afghanistan and the world against America

27 Jul 2022 - 15:56

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Daily View: The Tashkent meeting became an arena for accepting the destructive role of America in Afghanistan's economic crisis, and almost all parties directly or indirectly asked Washington to release the blocked funds and after the military defeat. , stop trying desperately for an economic war against the people of Afghanistan.

Amir Khan Muttaqi; At the Tashkent international meeting for Afghanistan, the foreign minister said that Afghanistan wants to "virtually become the crossroads of Asia" and "reliable security, serious political will and transparent administrative structure of the Islamic Emirate have facilitated the achievement of this goal." According to him, "Afghanistan is the closest and cheapest trade route between Central and South Asia".
The foreign minister said: "After several decades of instability in Afghanistan, the Islamic Emirate is determined to make Afghanistan the center of peace, stability and economic cooperation in the region." Stability in Afghanistan not only guarantees stability in the region; It is also the key to prosperity and economic development of the region.
In this meeting, Amir Khan Muttaqi and a number of representatives of the countries emphasized on the release of frozen foreign currency reserves of Afghanistan in America.
Mr. Muttaqi called the freezing of Afghan assets the main cause of poverty in the country.
Kabulov; the representative of the Russian President also described the blocking of Afghanistan's foreign exchange reserves in the West as "theft".
The message presented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the international meeting in Tashkent addressed to the world community, great powers, neighboring and regional countries and international organizations was a message based on peace and cooperation based on common interests. On behalf of the "Islamic Emirate", he introduced Afghanistan as a country that has achieved stability, peace and relative security for the first time after decades and can become a platform for joint cooperation and legitimate competition.
Mr. Muttaqi rightly pointed out Afghanistan's capacity to become a crossroad of economic cooperation in the region and the world, and said that the "Islamic Emirate" has a real will to turn this capacity into reality, and now it is the foreign countries that have to choose how to do it. They can take part in this great and positive and forward-looking development and play their role in the positive game process of Afghanistan for regional connection and becoming a center of stability, cooperation and solidarity for far and near countries.
Another important point that was emphasized in the words of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of "Islamic Emirate" was that stability in Afghanistan implies stability in the region and this will lay the foundation for growth and development and economic prosperity for the entire region.
With this account, the message of the representative of "Islamic Emirate" at the Tashkent meeting was completely clear, transparent and positive; Therefore, how to interpret and understand and exploit this message and its consequences is the responsibility of the countries of the region and the world, especially the great powers that continue to try to use sanctions, threats, hostage taking, economic and security terrorism and other illegitimate levers. their colonial control over the fate of the people of Afghanistan, and in this way, in their opinion, do not allow all the countries of the region and the world to benefit from the wide range of new opportunities and virgin fields for growth and development and from rich and beneficial benefits economic, political and security benefits.
Mr. Muttaqi correctly pointed out this issue and said that the main cause of the spread of poverty among the people of Afghanistan is economic hostage-taking and terrorism based on the American sanctions. He once again asked America to change this negative role by releasing the blocked money and play a constructive role in the process of positive changes for the future of Afghanistan, the region and the world.
Kabulov; The special representative of the President of Russia for Afghanistan also openly accused America of stealing Afghanistan's national property and said that America, even before, by installing a corrupt and puppet government, which, with the escape of its leaders, the people of Afghanistan, suffered poverty and collapse.
Other parties participating in the Tashkent meeting also emphasized the need for economic assistance to Afghanistan and curbing the humanitarian disaster that is spreading in the country; A disaster that is caused by corruption and fascism and the lack of capacity in the US puppet government, the sudden collapse caused by the collusion of the previous government, the great political, security and economic collapse, the cutoff of international aid, the illegitimate blocking of national assets and the imposition of cruel sanctions. America is at the center of all these crises.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the Tashkent meeting became an arena for accepting America's destructive role in Afghanistan's economic crisis, and almost all parties directly or indirectly asked Washington to release the blocked funds, and after the military defeat, from desperate efforts. Stop the economic war against the people of Afghanistan.

Story Code: 256248

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