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Shias and Sunnis are two wings of Islam

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), International Service , 2 Jul 2012 - 15:12

Almighty Allah has created the whole universe and everything in it for mankind, and created mankind to worship Him alone, as has been guaranteed and ordained by the last messenger of Allah, Prophet Mohammad (SAWW).

“Thus to achieve perfection, besides Quran, two-point manifesto – to teach and to learn – was placed before the humanity, and Muslims were guided to be the torchbearers of this culture,” he said. “But due to the difference between their words and actions, Muslims distanced themselves from this position. Regaining that position has not only become a necessity, but a destiny of every Muslim and God loving person.” 

The  God has described unity and solidarity among Muslims as “God’s blessing” on Muslims.

“We should value and appreciate this blessing and do our efforts to try to implement Islamic unity between all components of the Islamic community,” he said.

Shias and Sunnis are the two wings of Islam, and any negligence in defending them will be considered as negligence towards Islam.

Muslims should be carefull against the divisive forces, if anyone among Shias tries to create animosity against Sunnis, or vice versa, he should be considered as the “enemy of God’s blessing”. 
All the misunderstandings between Muslims should be eliminated. Common Sunnis are asked why Shias build Imambargahs while as there is no mention of such places in the Islamic history. Did Imambargahs exist in Prophet (SAWW)’s period?

“Obviously, such questions can instigate negative thoughts in the minds of Sunnis, because common Sunnis are ignorant about Imambargahs. Therefore, instead of posing such questions to a Sunni, it is better to pose these questions to a Shia scholar who could give an appropriate reply, and avoid sowing a seed of misunderstanding. Similarly, Shias are told that Sunnis consider Abu Jahal as Prophet (SAWW)’s companion and believe that whosoever saw the prophet (SAWW) can be regarded as his companion.

Obviously, such a notion can create negative thoughts among Shias. So to avoid any confusion, it would be appropriate to inquire about this from a Sunni scholar.

 Not a single Islamic school of thought can claim that all the followers of that school of thought strictly abide by the Quran and Sunnah. Similarly, no one can claim that a particular school of thought is cent percent against the Quran and Sunnah.

So, there do exist some common denominators between the followers of Quran and Sunnah. There are more than 90 per cent of commonalities between various Islamic schools of thought and it is our duty to hone them so that we are counted among the guests of God’s blessing, else we would be called cattle, or even worse.

All of us should urg the Muslims to unite, pray to Almighty to guide us in our endeavour and our commitment to follow the teachings of Islam.  

In contemporary world, it is necessary to keep differences aside and spread the message of Muslim unity and brotherhood. 

Muslims were so much involved in other issues that they are unable to focus on the real issues of Muslims.

We have deviated from the path of God’s love and method of Prophet Mohammad (SAWW), and that is why Muslims are finding themselves in trouble. We debate on dresses; we discuss whether Duroods (blessings on Mohammad [SAWW]) are to be recited in loud voice or silently. Sadly, we don’t discuss or focus on much more important issues like why a girl was buried alive? Why a woman was divorced within seven days of her marriage? Why don’t we discuss growing social and moral degradation in our society? 

Muslims are the targets of all the non-Muslim nations in the world. Non-Muslim and anti-Muslim forces are targeting Muslims in different ways. Need of the hour is to get united and protect our religion as true soldiers of Islam. 

Muslim ummah, particularly Islamic scholars understand their responsibilities and play their role in promoting Islamic unity and proximity. 

Scholars need to aware people that the difference between various Islamic schools of thought is purely academic. We are at loggerheads with those who don’t offer prayers, who don’t keep fast, and who, by their deeds, force the closure of Mosques. Islamic scholars and clerics should emphasise the need of Muslim unity in their Friday sermons, and caution people to remain vigilant against the nefarious designs of anti-Muslim elements.

Bal Thackeray, founder of Hindu hard-line group, recently told his followers not to be afraid of the people who even after 1400 years are yet to resolve whether Namaz is to be offered with open hands or with folded hands. 

The fault lies with us. We have been so much involved in these secondary issues that it has become our identity. On the Day of Judgment, we will be asked about salat. We won’t be asked whether we offered it with folded hands or with open hands.

Muslims have one God, one Prophet, one Quran, one Qibla, then why this indifference?

“The biggest tragedy with Muslims is that our scholars don’t practice what they preach. Had there not been a gap between what they practice and what they preach, their followers would have followed them in letter and spirit. The words and actions of the companions of Prophet (SAWW) were same. If Muslim rulers had strictly followed the method of Khulfa-e Rashideen (RA) and the companions of the prophet (SAWW), Muslims would not have been facing any problem today.

Anti-Muslim forces were trying their best to tarnish the Muslim unity.

In a bid to weaken Muslims, these forces attacked Iraq, Afghanistan, and now they are targeting Pakistan and Iran.

Story Code: 44396

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