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UN observers suspend operations in Syria

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), International Service , 17 Jun 2012 - 9:21

UN observers suspended their operations in Syria on Saturday, blaming intensifying violence as troops rained shells down on rebel bastions including Homs where the opposition warned a massacre was looming. 

The United States said the decision marked a “critical juncture” for Syria and that it was discussing with its allies the way ahead for a “political transition” as set out in two UN Security Council resolutions. 

Syria’s neighbour Turkey and Britain also voiced concern with London saying the suspension “calls into serious question” the viability of the entire operation. 

On the ground, meanwhile, violence claimed nearly 50 more lives, monitors said, at least 35 of them civilians. 

The unarmed observers have been targeted almost daily since deploying in mid-April to monitor a UN-backed but widely flouted ceasefire, and they were likened to “sitting ducks in a shooting gallery” by Susan Rice, the US envoy to the United Nations. 

Explaining the suspension, mission head Major General Robert Mood spoke of an escalation in fighting and of the risk to his 300-strong team, as well as the “lack of willingness” for peace by the warring parties. 

“There has been an intensification of armed violence across Syria over the past 10 days,” Mood said in a statement. 

“This escalation is limiting our ability to observe, verify, report as well as assist in local dialogue and stability projects basically impeding our ability to carry out our mandate,” he said. 

“In this high risk situation, United Nations Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) is suspending its activities,” Mood said. 

The observers “will not conduct patrols and will stay in their locations until further notice,” the general said, adding that “engagement with the parties will be restricted.” 

Mood said the suspension would be reviewed daily, and that “operations will resume when we see the situation fit for us to carry out our mandated activities.” 

The UN mission’s suspension of operations came two months into its three-month mandate, and after the United Nations accused both sides in the Syria conflict of willingly intensifying the violence.(AFP)

Story Code: 43277

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