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In A Statement:

Taliban announce start of ‘Spring Offensive’ in Afghanistan

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), International Service , 2 May 2012 - 20:04

The Taliban have warned they will officially start their annual “spring offensive” in Afghanistan on Thursday.

Taliban militants following a statement on their website announced the current year’s spring operation against the invaders under the glorified Jihadi name of ‘Al-Farooq’, Khaama Press reported.

The statement further added, “It must be stated that the primary target of Al-Farooq operation will be the foreign invaders, their advisors, their contractors and members of all associated military, intelligence and auxiliary departments.

And similarly, the high ranking officials of the stooge Kabul regime; members of Parliament; those associated with Ministries of Defense, Intelligence and Interior; members of the so called High Peace Council; Militia under the name of ‘Arbaki’ and all those people who work against the Mujahideen, toil to pave ground for the occupation of Afghanistan and become the cause for the strength of the invaders will also be targeted in Al-Farooq operation.”

The offensive comes every year as the country’s snows melt, making both travel and fighting easier. It normally leads to a surge of militant attacks throughout the country as the Taliban attempt to retake lost territory and intimidate the Afghan government.

The announcement comes hours after Taliban insurgents armed with guns, suicide vests and a bomb-laden car attacked a heavily fortified compound used by Westerners in Kabul, killing seven people and wounding more than a dozen.

Story Code: 40987

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