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In Ben Gurion Airport:

Israeli police deployed to airport to stop pro-Palestinian activists

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), International Service , 15 Apr 2012 - 16:05

Israel has deployed hundreds of policemen to its Ben Gurion Airport to confront pro-Palestinian activists arriving from European countries.

Up to 1,500 Palestinian supporters, more than a third of them from France, have planned to visit the West Bank as part of a campaign called “Welcome to Palestine 2012" ,Press TV reported.

The campaign aims to protest against Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories.

Tel Aviv has denounced the activists as ‘provocateurs,’ and promised to deny them entry.

Israel also forced European airlines to cancel the tickets of pro-Palestinian activists planning to travel to the occupied territories.

British airline Jet2.com was joined by Lufthansa, Air France and Easyjet in canceling the tickets of suspected ‘flytilla’ participants on the orders of Israel.

The “Welcome to Palestine 2012” campaigners plan to visit the West Bank city of Bethlehem as well as other Palestinian cities in the territory.

In July 2011, Israel blocked a similar fly-in effort by preventing dozens from boarding Tel Aviv-bound flights in Europe and denying entry to 69.

Story Code: 39919

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