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A religious expert;

Values like martyrdom and martyr should kept alive

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), Kabul, Religious Service , 8 Aug 2011 - 12:38

Making the culture of martyrdom expanded all the media including TVs and radios as long as the cultural institutes, mosques and scholars should be active he recommended.

Martyrdom on the way of Allah is one of the great wishes of a Muslim said Zahedi Abd-o-naser, an author and Kabul Talim-o-Tarbieh university professor.
In an especial talk with Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) on the position of martyrdom in Islam he while quoting the Holy Prophet said martyrdom was of the holy Prophet hopes.
A good example of this is the Ohod War when all his soldiers had been killed, the holy Prophet wished to have got martyred.
Martyrdom on the way of God as a great wish is hoped by all the Muslims he said.
To make the God satisfied the Prophets and their followers got martyred this religious expert said.
The other reason why martyrdom position is highly wanted by every Muslim is their readiness to scarify their lives to drink the martyrdom wine. Freedom and independence will have been gained when every Muslim get ready to fight on the way of Allah to take martyr degree as the most valuable divine privileges.
The next generation to keep their Islamic thought and values alive are hoped to welcome martyrdom Zahedi said.
Making the culture of martyrdom expanded all the media including TVs and radios as long as the cultural institutes, mosques and scholars should be active he recommended.
The martyrs survivals and families should be thanked and supported by the government and the people.
The Muslims in the early of Islam did lots to expand Islam even in Europe.
To increase the level of martyrdom the early Muslims scarified their lives and left this valuable heritage for their successors, we as Muslims Zahedi said.
The revolution in a society is based on how much the Muslims value the martyrdom he said.
The martyrdom is so respected near the God that he says those having got martyred on the way of Allah should not be considered dead but they are alive living their internal lives.
The youths should be awakened to know for defending their Islamic values they should be ready to scarify their lives Zahedi said.
Classifying the Islamic revolution into two groups, he said the uprisings in Islamic countries are whether the West-oriented trying to implement the West democracy or Islamic-oriented trying to gain independence and implement the Islamic rules Zahedi said.

Story Code: 30423

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