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Husseini Mazari in meeting the Kabul mosques and Hosseiniehs leaders;

If the man follow the God rules, he succeed

If we step to the God, he will do his promises to help us

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), Kabul, Religion Service , 7 Aug 2011 - 9:50

Together should help to put the mosques in their real places as the early of Islam

Meeting the leaders of the Kabul mosques and Hosseiniehs, Mazari Hosseini, the head of Tebyan political and cultural activities as a political expert, said like before the mosques should be the center of activities. Making speech at the main branch of AVA in Kabul, he described the works on reviving the mosques insufficient and old. According to our researches and findings as journalist the only way to save Afghanistan is reviving the role of the mosques.
Comparing the role of the Media and the clergies of the mosques, the head of Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) said the clergies can have more direct and fast impact on the people.
Reviving the mosques show we still believe in Islam, afterworld and that the scholars are the successors of the God prophets.
Calling for doing some research to find out the roles of the mosques in the other Islamic countries, the general editor of Ensaf Weekly said we should use of the neighboring countries experiences.
The whole Islamic republic of Iran from the Supreme leader to the other governmental organizations is based on the mosques.
The Iran political and economical improvements are owned to the mosques Mazari said.
Today in Iran the leaders of the mosques as the honest people are the orients of every affair including the education, banking, marriage and even the governmental affairs.
Advising the clergies of Afghanistan, Husseini Mazari said 99 percent of Afghanistan residents are Muslims so you the clergies should do your duties toward them.
Loving the mosques affairs, a clergy takes step so he doesn’t have time to do the other kinds of work he said. Taking into account the main duties of a clergy preaching Islam and saying prayers, Husseini Mazari said the other kinds of jobs should be in the margin.
You gain increasing power and authority, if you promise to step toward the God, Imams and Imam Zaman Husseini Mazari gave advised.
Calling his action Jihad on the way of Allah, the head of Tebyan political and cultural activities center said if we take the first step the God will take the next steps that are conducting and supporting us.
To win and represent as the God well representatives we should follow the God commands he said.
Calling the God rules, Sonnats, fixed, Husseini Mazari drew attention to what the Israel and America have profited from the believing in the God rules.
Establishing unity, understanding the current situation, being honest and try to learn sciences are examples of the God rules he said.
Placing emphasis on the role of the mosques leaders on taking the people on the streets by conducting them, he asked them to be honest.
The people to do their promises need to be led by an honest clergy.
During especial days like the days of Ramadan the clergies should be more active. Drawing attention to the negative ten-year presence of the foreigners in Afghanistan, he said the only way to guarantee the victory of Afghanistan is following the Welayat Faghih.
As real Montazars and to satisfy our Imam Zaman we should try hard follow Welayat Faghih as the real successor of Imam Zaman Husseini Mazari as a powerful political experts said.

Story Code: 30374

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