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Deputy of Sciences Academy:

A glorious martyrs of the Afghanistan Jihad having a great impact on the world, so we appreciate these values

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA), Kabul, Religious Service , 27 Jul 2011 - 14:11

The Westerners not to interfere in the affairs of Afghanistan any more and forget the imagination of occupying the Afghans realm of thought of Afghanistan people with their luxurious tricks.

Mohammad Sharif Pak Ray, the Deputy of Academy of Sciences of Afghanistan, in a private interview with the Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) at the same time of holding the conference of “independence and freedom, products of sacrifice and martyrdom,"
Said the conference was aimed to introduce the Afghan jihad martyrs to the Afghanistan young generation, familiarizing them with the scientific concept of jihad in modern Afghanistan society and to relive the pain of the martyr’s survivors with having the martyr’s spirits satisfied. This international conference was on the subjects of independence and freedom as the martyrs and sacrifice products and unity of word when defining the Jihad and martyrdom.
He said this conference' independence and freedom, the products of sacrifice and martyrdom to keep alive the culture of jihad in Afghanistan.
In this conference where the experts and foreign guests had participated and held in Kabul on Assad 4th and 5th, July 26th and 27th, Mr. Pak Ray in relation to conference said to remind the martyrs and creating freedom through Jihad were the purposes of the conference.
In the country where proud is one the opinions must be one too. There is no difference between our ethnics he said.
Our slogan is independence and freedom. Both are the product of devotion and sacrifice of our martyrs, so our pride and national nobility should not be lost easily.
He warned the Westerners not to interfere in the affairs of Afghanistan any more and forget the imagination of occupying the Afghans realm of thought of Afghanistan people with their luxurious tricks.
According to him, "Afghanistan is like a bee's nest where all Afghanistan's ethnic groups and nationalities are against the foreign Aggression so they will stand, struggle and defend their high-respected freedom and nationality so nobody can encroach this nest.
He pointed the past period and said Afghanistan was in critical conditions; the two superpowers of Britain and Russia wanted to occupy Afghanistan, but the Afghan heroes stood up in front of them and did not allow them to do aggressive in their country. The deputy of the academy of sciences told we would ring the alarm for the young people to be aware of Western military and cultural invasions. He noted martyrs of Afghanistan, Jihad and proud of it has had a significant impact on the world. Consequences of the Afghan jihad are very broad, so finally we know what these values and the martyrs of Islam are.

Story Code: 30121

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