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The important message of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution about the recent situation in Lebanon;

It is obligatory for all Muslims to stand by the people of Lebanon and Hezbollah with their means

28 Sep 2024 - 14:55

A few moments ago, Imam Khamenei, the leader of the Islamic Revolution, issued an important message about the recent cases in Lebanon. In part of this message, it is stated: "It is obligatory for all Muslims to stand proudly next to the people of Lebanon and Hezbollah with their resources and help them in confronting the usurping, oppressive and evil regime."

Afghan Voice Agency (Ava) - International Service: Leader of the Islamic Revolution Imam Khamenei issued an important message about the recent cases in Lebanon.

The text of the revolutionary leader's message is as follows:
In the name of Allah
The killing of defenseless people in Lebanon once again revealed to everyone the ferocity of the Zionist rabid dog, and proved the short-sightedness and stupid policy of the leaders of the usurping regime.

The terror gang ruling the Zionist regime did not learn from their one-year criminal war in Gaza and failed to understand that the mass killing of women, children and civilians cannot affect the solid construction of the resistance organization and destroy it.

Now they are trying the same foolish policy in Lebanon. The Zionist criminals should know that they are too small to cause significant damage to the strong construction of Hezbollah in Lebanon. All the resistance forces of the region are with Hezbollah and support it.

The fate of this region will be determined by the resistance forces, and at the head of them is Hezbollah. The people of Lebanon have not forgotten that once upon a time, the military of the usurping regime used to put under their boots all the way to Beirut, it was Hezbollah that cut off their leg and made Lebanon dear and proud.

It is obligatory for all Muslims to stand proudly with the people of Lebanon and Hezbollah with their resources and help it in confronting the usurping, cruel and evil regime.

Seyyed Ali Khamenei

Story Code: 297510

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