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The three hundred and forty-second day of Al-Aqsa storm operation; The increase of the martyrs of the bombing of "Al-Jaouni" school in Gaza to 18 people

12 Sep 2024 - 15:16

The killing of Palestinians has entered its 342nd day today (Thursday) as the number of martyrs in the bombing of Al-Jaouni school in Al-Nusirat camp in Gaza has increased to 18 people. Awarta village located in the south of Nablus in the West Bank was attacked.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: On the morning of the 342nd day of the Gaza war, dozens of settlers attacked the village of Awarta in the south of Nablus, located in the north of the occupied West Bank, to perform Talmudic ceremonies in Islamic shrines.
At the same time, Israeli special forces raided Halhoul government hospital in the north of Hebron in the West Bank of Palestine and arrested one of the wounded named "Iham Emad".
In a terrorist act yesterday (Wednesday), the Zionist regime targeted two cars in the cities of Tubas and Tulkarem in the northern West Bank of Palestine, during which at least 8 Palestinians were martyred.
In this order, the number of martyrs in the West Bank since October 7, 2023 (15th of 1402) has reached 702 and the injured have reached 5,700.
The occupied West Bank, which has witnessed the escalation of tensions since the beginning of the war in the Gaza Strip last October, is now the daily target of aggressive attacks by the occupiers.
The number of martyrs of the Zionist crime in Al-Jaouni school of Al-Nusirat in Gaza has increased to 18 people
The government information office in the Gaza Strip announced that on Wednesday, the Zionist regime committed a new crime in the Al-Nusirat camp in the center of Gaza, targeting the "Al-Jaouni" school affiliated to UNRWA with an airstrike, and at least 18 people, including a number of UNRWA employees, were killed in the attack. They were martyred in this attack.
"Antonio Guterres", the Secretary-General of the United Nations, said: A school in the Gaza Strip, which was a shelter for more than 12,000 Palestinians, was targeted by an Israeli airstrike, and six of our UNRWA employees were among those killed.
The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced in a statement that 13 Palestinians have been martyred in the attacks of the occupying forces of the Zionist regime on different areas of the Gaza Strip since dawn today.
The Hague Court will soon issue an arrest warrant for Netanyahu and Gallant
Based on the estimates, the Hebrew source reported that the Hague Court will soon issue an arrest warrant for Netanyahu and Gallant.
A few days ago, the prosecutor of The Hague requested to speed up the issuance of Netanyahu's arrest warrant.

Story Code: 296752

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