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Ministry of Borders and Tribal Affairs officials in the government's accountability program:

In the past year, about 300 rallies and more than 500 meetings have been held to resolve conflicts

8 Sep 2024 - 15:16

Officials from the Ministry of Borders, Ethnic Affairs and Tribal Affairs say 304 rallies and 525 meetings have been held in the past year to resolve ethnic differences and enmities in different parts of the country.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: In continuation of the government's accountability programs to the people; On Sunday, September 8, Maulavi Mohammad Ismail Ghaznavi, deputy minister for border affairs, said 34 public rallies, three extraordinary rallies and 16 provincial meetings were held in the past year. The ministry has identified 700 problems and referred them to the relevant authorities and 400 projects have been approved by the relevant authorities.
He informed about the completion of roads in some districts in Zabul and Panjshir provinces and said; The ministry has also taken necessary measures to solve the electricity problems of the residents of Kapisa, Maidan Wardak and Logar provinces and activated the telecommunication network in Pamir district of Badakhshan province.
The official of the Ministry of Borders and Tribes said that the conflicts have decreased after the Islamic Emirate came to power in the country and added; In the past year, the ministry has organized 304 rallies and 525 meetings to resolve conflicts, tensions and enmity between ethnic groups and people.
Meanwhile, Maulvi Mohammad Ali Jan Ahmad, deputy minister of jirga and tribal coordination, and the ministry to resolve 50-year-old disputes between Achakzai, Taheri and other ethnic groups in Herat province, 20-year-old dispute in Ab Kamri, Badghis province, and 24-year-old dispute between Hazara and Kuchi tribes in Ghazni province, and 40 years of tension in Abshar district of Panjshir province, he said; The ministry is trying to turn enmities into friendships across the country.
He considered the protection and security of the country's borders as one of the urgent priorities of the ministry and added; Serious and continuous efforts have been made in this direction over the past year.
Meanwhile, Mufti Taslimullah Haqqani, head of information and public relations of the Ministry of Borders and Tribes, said that cash and non-cash assistance was provided to the affected families of Kochis in Badghis, Faryab, Jawzjan, Balkh, Takhar, Baghlan, Badakhshan, Nangarhar, Kandahar, Helmand, Paktika, Uruzgan, Bamyan, Kunar, and Maidan Wardak also reported last year.
The official of the Ministry of Ethnic Affairs and Tribes informed about the activities of 100 mobile clinics, 11 fixed clinics for the treatment of Kochis and 60 veterinary clinics for the treatment of their livestock.Training programs have also been organized to boost livestock and nomadic economy, and 40 cases of pasture problems have been identified in different provinces of the country and shared with relevant authorities.
The head of information and public relations of the ministry also announced the preparation of a bill to regulate dormitory affairs for 11 educational centers of the ministry and added; Other activities of the ministry include the regulation of pasture procedures, accommodation and regulation of Kochi affairs, technical documents of data security policy, draft ethnic conflict resolution procedures and activation of the electronic library system.
The ministry officials also announced the establishment of the Ports Directorate in the organizational structure of the Ministry of Borders and Tribes, saying; The department has provided necessary coordination with the border authorities of the country in order to provide necessary facilities to patients, migrants and passengers in the ports of Nangarhar, Khost, Paktia, Paktika, Zabul, Kandahar, Herat, Farah, Nimroz, Kunduz, Takhar, Faryab and Balkh. is.
They reported the graduation of 699 people who were studying in the high schools of the ministry, adding; Currently, 7,104 people are studying and another 1,632 have been newly recruited.
Officials of the ministry announced the start of operations of a new high school called "Pamir for Pamir students" in Faiz Abad, Badakhshan province, saying; The process of recruiting faculty and staff is now underway.

Story Code: 296533

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