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Iran rejects claims of seeking to influence U.S. election

31 Jul 2024 - 9:51

Iran's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York has denied claims by US intelligence officials that Tehran sought to influence the US presidential election.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Monitoring: In response to concerns raised by American intelligence officials about Iran's alleged intentions to interfere in the US election and negatively affect Republican candidate Donald Trump's campaign, Iran's UN mission issued a statement on Monday, firmly denying any plans aimed at influencing the elections and describing the accusations as psychological operations designed to generate false momentum for election campaigns.
Earlier, the Office of the Director of the US National Intelligence identified Russia as the primary threat to US elections, also implicating Iran in attempts to influence the election through the creation of online personas and disinformation campaigns. 
This follows recent allegations that Iran plotted to assassinate Trump, which Iranian officials have dismissed as "baseless and biased." 
In a statement, Iran's Permanent Mission labeled Trump a criminal who should be prosecuted for ordering the assassination of the anti-terror icon, General Ghasem Soleimani, emphasizing Iran's commitment to pursuing justice through legal channels.
As Americans prepare to vote on November 5 to elect their next president, incumbent Joe Biden has withdrawn from the race due to mental health concerns and poor debate performance against Trump. Biden has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, who will be officially nominated during the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Chicago, to challenge Trump in the race./Fars

Story Code: 294475

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