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Assassination and martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political office of the Hamas movement in Tehran

31 Jul 2024 - 8:18

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps announced in an announcement that Mr. Dr. Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political office of the Islamic resistance movement Hamas, and one of his bodyguards were attacked and martyred at their residence in Tehran.

Afghan Voice Agency (AvVA) - Tehran: The text of this announcement is as follows:
In the Name Of Allah 
With condolences to the heroic nation of Palestine and the Islamic nation and the fighters of the resistance front and the noble nation of Iran, the residence of Mr. Dr. Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political office of the Islamic resistance of Hamas, was hit in Tehran this morning (Wednesday) and following this incident He and one of his bodyguards were martyred.
The cause and dimensions of this incident are being investigated and the results will be announced later.

At the same time, the Hamas Islamic Resistance Movement expressed its condolences to the great nation of Palestine, the Islamic and Arab Ummah, and all the free people of the world on the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of this movement.
In a message from Hamas, it is stated:
"And those who are killed in the cause of God are not dead, but alive, they will be provided by their Lord
The Islamic resistance movement Hamas mourns the children of our great nation of Palestine, the Arab and Islamic nation and all the free people of the world.
The brother of Martyr Mujahid Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of the movement, died after participating in the inauguration ceremony of the new president of Iran due to the treacherous attack of the Zionists on his residence in Tehran.

Story Code: 294465

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