Publish dateMonday 29 July 2024 - 09:56
Story Code : 294305
Chabahar Railway; It is the key to the commercial development of Iran and Afghanistan
An expert on economic issues in Sistan and Baluchistan, Iran, says that Iran's Chabahar dam is the only ocean port in this country and one of the most important ocean ports in the world, for this reason, the construction of the Chabahar-Milk-Kandahar-Kabul railway line; It is the key to the commercial development of Iran and Afghanistan.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: Abbas Noorzaei, an expert on the economic issues of Iran's Sistan and Baluchistan province, in a conversation with IRNA news agency, has stated regarding the development of the Chabahar Dam and the construction of a railway network from this dam to Afghanistan: Chabahar is the only port. Iran's ocean port is one of the most important ocean ports in the world, which is located at the focal point of connecting Iran to the countries of the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean, Africa, the subcontinent of India and Pakistan, China and the countries of Central Asia.

He added: This port is the center of development of Makoran and in terms of unloading, loading and storing goods, it has created the necessary infrastructure in the past years.

This economic expert further stated: Kandahar is the second most populous city in Afghanistan and its population is nearly 1.4 million people. The first independent government of Khorasan (Afghanistan) was established there by Ahmad Shah Durrani (Abdali) and then the center of Afghanistan was transferred to Kabul. Found.

He stated: The second largest crossing between Afghanistan and Pakistan is located in Kandahar, this crossing is called Chaman in Pakistan and Spinboldek in Afghanistan.

This economic expert also added: The value of Afghanistan's export and import with the Islamic Republic of Iran was announced at 2 billion and 25 million dollars last year, as well as 33 million dollars of exports and 1 billion and 992 million dollars of Afghanistan's imports with the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1402. The main items of Afghanistan's import from the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1402 include diesel/oil diesel, gasoline/petrol, liquefied gas, cement, electricity, Roman eggplant and raw materials for industrial factories, and most of the country's exports and imports currently take place through Chabahar port.

He added: According to officials and experts in Afghanistan, Iran's Chabahar port is the closest and cheapest route for the import and export of merchant goods. They believe that Chabahar port has been the best alternative for Afghanistan whenever Afghanistan has problems with Pakistan regarding transit.

In this interview, Noorzai also said: Chabahar port has more advantages for transporting goods than Wagheh port in Karachi. If facilities are provided by Iran and the Chabahar-Milk-Kandahar railway line is built, the transportation of goods from this commercial port will be cheaper. and will have more security.

He emphasized: Experts' studies show that the Chabahar-Milk-Kandahar-Kabul railway route is nearly 700 km closer than the Chabahar-Dogharun-Kabul railway route.

This expert also stated: The managers of Sistan and Baluchistan should not only look at this project as a solution to a domestic regional need, but they should see it as an important and strategic international project. Accelerating the construction of this project while helping the country's trade development will lead the Sistan region out of It will also result in geographical and political isolation and economic prosperity of the people of the region.

It should be mentioned that recently the construction project of the railway from Iran's Sistan and Baluchistan province to Nimroz province and then Kandahar has been taken up as a priority by the authorities of the two countries.
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