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The possibility of a conspiracy for the immunity of the heads of the Israeli regime at the Hague Court

26 Jul 2024 - 12:03

The European-Mediterranean Human Rights Watch issued a statement about the complaints filed against the Zionist regime in the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court and announced: Countries and organizations supporting Israel are trying to question the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court with the aim of protecting Israel from are punishment.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: Following the decision of the International Criminal Court to postpone the issuance of the arrest warrant for the criminal officials of the Zionist regime, a leading human rights organization has discussed the efforts of countries and institutions supporting this regime to protect it from punishment after the crimes of genocide. In Gaza, he warned.
The European-Mediterranean Human Rights Watch issued a statement about the complaints filed against the Zionist regime in the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court and announced: Countries and organizations supporting Israel are trying to question the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court with the aim of protecting Israel from are punishment.
This human rights organization added: We warn against the danger of trying to question the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court with the aim of impunity for Israel. The purpose of these efforts is to prevent the work of the International Criminal Court to issue arrest warrants for Israeli political and military officials and to prevent the continuation of their trial.
In the continuation of this statement, it is stated: The interference of various countries and institutions in the work of the International Criminal Court is a threat to global peace and security and weakens the legitimacy and independence of the International Criminal Court.
According to ISNA, the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Watch emphasized: We are warning against the collusion of various countries and institutions with Israel, in the continuous violation of the rights of the Palestinian people and creating a cover for this regime to continue committing war crimes, without fear of punishment. We are serious.
According to this statement, the International Criminal Court, after the pressure of the countries and organizations supporting Israel, decided to postpone the issuance of the arrest warrant for the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Minister of War, Yoav Galant, for an opportunity for further legal opinions. be provided
The International Criminal Court announced that this action was taken after more than 70 countries and organizations requested the postponement of the issuance of the Israeli authorities' arrest warrant, and these countries and organizations have until August 6 to submit their comments to the Attorney General's Office.
This is despite the fact that since the beginning of the genocidal war of the occupiers against the people of Gaza, numerous complaints against the Zionist regime have been submitted to the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court in The Hague by various countries and international organizations due to the genocidal crimes of this regime in the Gaza Strip. The shadow of American and Western pressures on these courts has not been able to stop the crimes of the occupiers; But it has placed the Zionist regime in a severe international isolation for the first time.
In this context, two days ago, a legal team consisting of international lawyers prepared three complaints related to the crimes of the Zionist army in the Gaza Strip to present to the International Criminal Court.
This legal team of international lawyers plans to hold a meeting in the victims section of the International Criminal Court, to discuss the representation of victims in this court and the ways to deal with Zionist crimes and pay compensation to Palestinian victims.

Story Code: 294171

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