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The leader of the Islamic Revolution addressed the parliament members of Iran: Do not remain silent about the Gaza issue

23 Jul 2024 - 8:58

The leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khamenei, yesterday (Sunday, July 21), while referring to the increasing strength of the resistance despite the extensive support of the United States to the Zionist regime, said: "The issue of Gaza is still the first issue of the Islamic world, because they can't bring Hamas and the resistance to their knees, they vent their anger on the people and drop bombs on the people's heads.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: Hazrat Ayatollah Imam Khamenei, who also called the Gaza issue the first issue of the world on July 21, "Now it is true that after the months that initial passion in Not many people, but the truth is that the same importance as the first days exists today, but more. The power of resistance is showing itself more and more day by day.

About 10 months have passed since the storm operation in al-Aqsa, which, according to the Supreme Leader, "when cruelty and crime have exceeded the limit, when rapacity has reached its limit, one should wait for the storm" and the crimes of the Zionists against the people of Gaza continue and according to the latest statistics, so far 38 thousand And 919 people were martyred and 89 thousand 622 people were injured. Despite the crimes and genocide in Gaza, the Zionists have not achieved any of their declared goals, and the war has become an erosion for them.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said on 18 Mizan 1402 and three days after the Al-Aqsa Storm operation in response to the Zionists' attack on Gaza, "Let them know that the reaction of these atrocities is a heavier slap on their ugly face." The determination of the brave Palestinian youth, the determination of the Palestinian dead, is strengthened by these crimes.

Imam Khamenei also stated yesterday in the assembly of parliament members, "The people of the world are actually now judging the evil usurping regime. The issue is not over, the issue is still ongoing.

Story Code: 293971

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