Publish dateMonday 22 July 2024 - 09:11
Story Code : 293910
The Supreme Court of Bangladesh declared quotas on government jobs illegal
After the widespread and deadly protests of Bangladeshi students against the quota system of government jobs, the Supreme Court of this country today (Sunday) considered the verdict related to the quota of government jobs to be illegal and reduced its quota.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The Supreme Court of Bangladesh, by issuing a statement, reduced the quota system for civil service jobs, which was revived by a ruling last month and led to deadly unrest in this country.

Abu Mohammad Aminuddin, the Attorney General of Bangladesh, told AFP about this: The Supreme Court declared the judgment of the Court of Appeal illegal, and based on this, five percent of civil service jobs are given to the children of independence veterans (disabled) and 2 percent to other categories.

According to IRNA, the ongoing protests in Bangladesh began on July 1 and by holding a peaceful march because a court in this country issued a ruling according to which the government job quota law for the descendants of people known as "freedom fighters" who had fought against Pakistan in the 1971 war of independence, was revived.

Protesters have announced that with the implementation of the government job quota law, one third of government jobs will be allocated to those who are allies of the ruling party in Bangladesh.

Currently, 56 percent of government jobs in Bangladesh are under various quotas, including 10 percent for women, 10 percent for vulnerable areas, five percent for indigenous communities, and one percent for people with disabilities.

The issuance of this verdict followed a wave of wide-ranging protests throughout Bangladesh, and the government imposed martial law and curfew by deploying the army last Friday.

So far, the number of people killed in these riots has reached 123.
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