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American newspaper: The drone attack on Tel Aviv is a significant development for the resistance axis

20 Jul 2024 - 13:30

In a report about the drone attack on Tel Aviv yesterday (Friday, July 19), the American newspaper New York Times quoted experts and wrote: The drone that targeted Tel Aviv was equipped to remain hidden and travel a long distance to the target.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International service: The New York Times, in a report about the drone attack on Tel Aviv yesterday (Friday, July 19), quoted experts and wrote: "It seems that the drone that attacked Tel Aviv was a version of be different from "Samad 3".

"Samad 3" drone was used for the first time in 2018 by the Yemeni army to attack the airfields of the United Arab Emirates.

Military experts told the New York Times: "The drone was painted dark to evade anti-aircraft defenses, and was equipped with a fuel tank and a larger engine that would allow it to fly as far as Tel Aviv."

The New York Times then raised the question of whether the aforementioned drone is a new example of stealth drones.
This American newspaper emphasized: "If the drone is not detected, this is a significant development for the resistance axis."

In the meantime, Nasreddin Amer, Yemen's deputy minister of information, told the New York Times: "The drone was made in Yemen and is equipped with high technology that is difficult to detect."

In response to whether the attack on Tel Aviv was carried out at the request of Iran; He said: "Iran had no role in the decision to carry out the attack, we informed the Iranians after the attack."

Weapons analyst and drone expert Jeremy Benny also told the New York Times that the drone may have been tracked by Israel Defense Forces but mistaken for something else, "especially since it was approaching Tel Aviv from the Mediterranean Sea." ».

It was early yesterday (Friday) that the Zionist media reported the occurrence of a huge explosion in the diplomatic area in "Tel Aviv" following the drone attack of the Yemeni army.

"Al-Jazeera" network reported about the consequences of this operation that after the Yemeni drone hit a building in the diplomatic area in the heart of Tel Aviv, in addition to a lot of material damage, it left 1 dead and 10 injured.

In the meantime, "Daniel Hagari", the spokesman of the occupying regime's army, in an attempt to hide the inability of this regime, has claimed: "The [Israeli] air defense systems detected the drone, but they did not mistakenly classify it as a hostile target. 

Story Code: 293797

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