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The reaction of the Tebyan Center office in Mashhad;

Another "media scandal" of "Evil International" intelligence network against Hosseini Mazari by publishing false and baseless news

If they are telling the truth; Interview an eyewitness or publish a clip of this story

18 Jul 2024 - 14:06

The Saudi Zionist media "Evil International" in continuation of its unprofessional and non-intellectual media broadcasts to deliberately destroy some personalities, once again turned to Hojjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Seyyed Isa Hosseini Mazari, the general director of Tebyan Social Cultural Activities Center and AVA news agency. It has tried once again to create another negative atmosphere and media against this fraternal and unity-seeking character of the country. This is despite Hosseini Mazari's presence in this year's Muharram decade ceremonies in holy Mashhad, and the speeches and clarifications he gave especially for the unity of Shia and Sunni around the movement of Imam Hussain (a.s.), including a speech in a large gathering of scholars and Afghan and Iranian Shia and Sunni figures have been very active and effective in the Abul Fazli Mosque of Mashhad at the day of Ashura.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Holy Mashhad: The office of Tebyan Cultural and Social Activities Center, in a statement in response to the false and baseless news of the Saudi Zionist media of Afghanistan International, or in other words, "Evil International", under the title "Afghan Mourners in Mashhad Hosseini Mazari was 'expelled' from the mosque for praising the Taliban", this action has been called another "disgrace and media scandal" by this paid enemy intelligence network.

This announcement states:
"Resorting to forgery and lies and publishing distorted and far from the truth content is a part of the propaganda war and lies of the enemy media, especially the Zionist media of Afghanistan International, which is considered one of the main and important strategies of the enemy against the valuable activities of the Tabian Center.

In the project of lying about the Tebayan Social Cultural Activities Center, this media has started working in an organized manner, published lies in a shameless manner, and auctioned its credibility in front of the eyes of informed and informed people.

This lying media recently mentioned in a report that "Afghan mourners in Mashhad expelled Hosseini Mazari from the mosque for praising the Taliban". In this report, it is tried to reduce the spiritual influence of this center on the thoughts of the people by fueling another propaganda war against the Tabian center and by spreading lies between the people and the general director of the center, Mr. Hojjatul Islam wal Muslimin Seyyed Isa Hosseini Mazari.

Considering the spread of this false news, it is completely appropriate and reasonable for people to expect; So that the lying media of Afghanistan International, to verify and confirm their claim, conduct an interview among the more than a thousand people who were present in this parliament as an eyewitness, or publish a clip of this encounter, because it is unlikely. Such an encounter with an important person and a national and international figure has taken place in an important crowded ceremony with the presence of prominent and influential figures, but no one has filmed it, otherwise it will be broadcast and published. 

In looking at the content of this news of this Zionist media, apart from the controversial beginning, without source and its lies, the main criticism of this media is the content of Mr. Hosseini Mazari's speech, and the main reason for publishing this false news is the anger of this media and its supporters about the content of the speech. 

In his speech at this grand ceremony, the head of Tebyan Center, in the axis of Shia and Sunni unity and different sections of the Afghan society, to the devotion of the followers of the Hanafi religion in the country, including the leadership, senior managers and key stakeholders of the Islamic Emirate, at different levels. 

In the other part of his speech, he thanked the Islamic Emirate for the successful holding of the mourning ceremony of the Muharram decade and especially the Ashura day in the country, despite all the media atmosphere created by media such as International and BBC. He appreciated that, despite all the problems and side effects created by the enemy, he covered the Muharram gatherings more seriously than every year.

It is because of these words of unity and fraternity that this satanic media has once again entered the field against the head of the Tabian center and his main problem is not in the false issue of expulsion from the parliament, but in the content of Hosseini Mazari's stinging words to the enemies.

At the same time, the annual program of Hosseini's Ashura was held at noon on the day of Ashura by Hafizullah Soltani, the representative of Sunni immigrants in Razavi Khorasan province, and national businessmen with the presence of thousands of people.

This year, as in previous years, this ceremony was held in a passionate and magnificent manner.

The eyes of AVA's reporter and other eyewitnesses of this ceremony who were in that ceremony was held with complete security and peace and that Mr. Hosseini Mazari was welcomed and loved by the Sunni brothers who organized it, especially Mr. Sultani.

The speech of the head of Tebyan Center and its content, which revolved around unity and Islamic brotherhood in Afghanistan, with the inspiration of the movement and uprising of Imam Hussein (AS), was also welcomed by many participants and organizers of the event. It should be remembered that due to the presence of hundreds of mourners in the Abul Fazli Mosque and their practical testimony that the international news about the expulsion of Hosseini Mazari by the mourners from this ceremony is a lie, it proves that the total news of this media is about the issue related to Hosseini Mazari and the Tebyan center. 

Story Code: 293715

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