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Intelligence officials of the caretaker government:

Hiring about 13,000 troops to ensure the security of this year's Ashura ceremonies

18 Jul 2024 - 11:58

The intelligence officials of the caretaker government announced the deployment of around 13,000 security forces to provide security for this year's Ashura ceremonies across the country and said that people who lowered Husseini flags in order to create tension between the government and the Shiites have been caught.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: According to the announcement made by Sheikh Aminullah Waqar, the head of the 06th intelligence of the caretaker government, during the ceremony of this year's Ashura in the Khatam al-Nabiyin (PBUH) mosque, He rejected the lowering of the flags and inscriptions of the mourning of Imam Hussain (AS) in the first days of Muharram from Kabul city by the security forces of the current government.

According to the head of the 06 intelligence of the current government, suspicious people have also been arrested in connection with lowering the Ashura flags, and there are even women among them.

Mr. Waqar announced the deployment of nearly 13,000 security forces to ensure the security of this year's Ashura ceremonies and added that ISIS group that had moved with very powerful explosives to attack Shia ceremonies was also caught in the fifth district of Kabul. 

On the other hand, Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Amir Bakhsh Fahimi, Imam Wali Asr (AJ) Masjid, during an interview with AVA reporter, said about the provision of security in this year's Muharram ceremonies by the caretaker government's security forces, security was provided better than previous years.

He pointed out that the security forces were not very serious at night and added that they were serious in their positions every day.

On the part of Hujjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin, Seyyed Bindhan Ali Sajjadi, one of the Imams of the mosques in Kabul and a religious expert, in an interview with AVA reporter, said that the promise of the security forces in providing security for the mourners of Imam Hussein (AS), has been fulfilled by providing security throughout the country. 

While expressing his gratitude to all the security agencies who worked tirelessly during the Muharram ten ceremonies, he added, but sometimes the inappropriate actions taken by some people and forces, which were very, but in general, all people are concerned about how to ensure the security of this year's Ashura.

Mr. Sajjadi pointed out that in addition to the warning of ISIS, the caretaker government was able to provide security well throughout the country and said, this has a clear message that this system can continue with this approach.

On the other hand, Mohammad Mahdi Heydari, a resident of Kabul city and a member of the popular security forces, in an interview with AVA reporter, expressed his satisfaction with the security situation and said that this year, the government and popular security forces together protected the Ashura ceremonies in the best possible way.

Meanwhile, Khaliqdad Zhakfar, another resident of eastern Kabul, in an interview with AVA reporter, expressed his gratitude for the security of this year's Ashura ceremonies and added, "We hope that some of the inappropriate behavior heard in some places will be corrected in the next years."

It should be mentioned that according to the video tape published on social media, a number of people were hired who received orders from the fugitives and elements outside the country, and with their orders, with the aim of creating tension and division between the Shiite people and the caretaker government. 

According to the confession of these people, during two nights, they lowered Hosseini's flags from the 13th, 6th and 5th districts of Kabul city, and on the third night, they were caught by the intelligence services in the 6th district of Kabul city.

Story Code: 293705

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