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The two hundred and eighty-fifth day of Al-Aqsa storm operation;

Bombing of a mosque in Nusirat/ rocket attacks by the Palestinian resistance on the Zionist settlement

17 Jul 2024 - 15:18

The war in Gaza continues as the occupying army targets any place where displaced people have taken refuge, most recently a mosque in Al-Nusirat was targeted by an airstrike.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): 285 days have passed since the war in Gaza, the longest battle in the history of the liberation of Palestine; A battle that the occupying army has no clear prospects for ending and achieving its primary goals, namely the destruction of Hamas and the return of prisoners, in the meantime has only turned to bombing women, children, and helpless civilians.
At the same time, it has become clear to many that Benjamin Netanyahu is doing his best to block the path of negotiations and the realization of an agreement to end the war, from the failed attempt to assassinate "Mohammed Zaif" to the bombing of the refugee camp in Nusirat last day, which killed dozens of martyrs and He left a wound; Even the Israeli authorities acknowledge this approach of Netanyahu to avoid the agreement.
According to the latest statistics of the Ministry of Public Health of Gaza, in the last 285 days, 38,713 people were martyred and 89,166 others were injured. In addition, the bodies of more than 10,000 people are still under the rubble of the buildings and the rescue forces have no access to them. These 10,000 people are not included in the number of martyrs.
Follow the most important developments of the 285th day of Al-Aqsa storm operation below:
Lapid addressed to Netanyahu: step down from power
Yair Lapid, head of the opposition of the Zionist regime, said to Netanyahu: "Every soldier who is in Gaza faces a greater danger than the one you are facing.
You are detached from reality, the only thing that matters to you is the safety, health and comfort of you and your son. We want you to step down from your position, the majority of the society has the same request.
The water crisis in the Gaza Strip reached its peak
After about 10 months of the devastating war of the Zionist regime and genocide in the Gaza Strip, the water crisis in this region has reached its peak.
Hamas called the Human Rights Watch report invalid
The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement issued a statement that the Human Rights Watch report cited the Zionist regime's narrative, and this report is completely far from the scientific research method and impartial legal position, and is more like an Israeli propaganda document.
The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement stated that this report began by speaking in a dramatic manner about an Israeli person who suffered burns during the events of October 7th, and at the end of it, it was mentioned about a woman who suffered from problems and mental damage due to these events, but In this report, there is no mention of the killing and starvation of the Palestinian nation and the unimaginable suffering that it suffers, which is considered an open discrimination between people.
Palestinian resistance rocket attacks on the Zionist settlement
Al-Mujahideen announced today that it targeted the town of "Nirim" in the vicinity of the Gaza Strip with 107 rockets.
Destruction of a residential complex and displacement of another Palestinian family
The Zionist occupiers razed a residential complex in the occupied Wadi al-Juz neighborhood of Quds, and with this crime, the members of a 14-member family were displaced.
Nasrallah's warning to the Zionists: We will destroy all your tanks
Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah warned the Zionists about the expansion of the war in the north and emphasized: We are saying to the Zionist enemy that if your tanks come to Lebanon and its south, you will not have a shortage of tanks, because you will not have any tanks left at all.
Seyed Hassan Nasrallah said: "This is the first time that Israel finds itself unable to achieve its goals and is struggling with serious problems at all levels." This regime also witnessed the intensification of the reverse migration of Zionists from the occupied lands and the loss of trust of Israelis and their unwillingness to stay in occupied Palestine.
Hospitals in Gaza lack the most basic facilities
Doctors Without Borders announced that the hospitals in Gaza lack the most basic facilities and most patients die every second and the war in Gaza continues.
Telephone conversation between Ismail Haniyeh and Hakan Fidan
Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan had a telephone conversation with Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political office of Hamas.
In this telephone conversation, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, which has reached a catastrophic stage, and the alarming developments caused by the increase in hunger and diseases in northern Gaza, were evaluated.
Fidan and Haniyeh also discussed the latest status of the ceasefire negotiations.
Israeli media: Hamas has resumed drone production in Gaza
The Zionist newspaper Yediot Aharanot reported in its report that according to the estimates of the Israeli army, half of the fighters of the Hamas movement (whose number is estimated to be more than 30,000) are still alive and in Gaza.
It is stated in this report that according to the estimates of the Zionist army, Hamas still has long-range rockets and missiles with which it can target occupied Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
This Zionist newspaper quoted the army of this regime and wrote that the Hamas movement has resumed the production of all kinds of weapons, including drones, in the Gaza Strip.
Continuation of Zionist air attacks on the center of Gaza
Today, Israeli regime fighters once again bombarded the "Deir al-Balah" area in the center of the Gaza Strip.
Artillery attacks on southern Gaza
This morning, the Zionist army targeted El-Zitoun neighborhood in the south of Gaza City with its artillery attacks.

Story Code: 293663

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