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Hosseini Mazari on the night of Ashura;

Hossein's mourning should be magnificent and useful

17 Jul 2024 - 8:59

The general director of Tebyan social cultural activities center during the mourning ceremony of Hosseini's Ashura night in Shahid Misbah Hosseinieh of Mashhad, raised two serious warnings about holding mourning ceremonies; The grandeur of the ceremony, especially with the presence of young people, and the useful and not long meetings. Hosseini Mazari stated that the speakers should be literate, pious and good at analyzing the issues of the day and expressing the issues correctly.

Afghan Voice Agency (Ava) - Holy Mashhad: The Ashura Hosseini night mourning ceremony was held by the office of Tebyan Cultural and Social Activities Center in Mashhad, with the enthusiastic presence of the lovers of Hazrat Abba Abdullah Al-Hussein, peace be upon him, in Hosseinieh Shahid Misbah.

Hojjat al-Islam wal-Muslimeen Seyyed Isa Hosseini Mazari, in his speech at this ceremony, gave a few reminders about how to organize the mourning ceremony of Imam Hussein (a.s.) and the usefulness of these ceremonies, and the first reminder was the magnificent presence of people, especially the youth, in these gatherings. 

He pointed out that the mourners should try to hold the funeral gatherings of Imam Hussain (AS) with full glory and to ensure the serious presence of the people, especially the youth.

Hosseini Mazari, pointing to the influential presence of young people in the current developments of the world, especially the presence of young people in intellectual and cultural circles and campaigns that are fighting against arrogance at the world level today, said that more than 90 percent of the commanders, managers and main leaders of the front and the war Including in Gaza and other countries such as Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, etc., as well as the demonstrations that are taking place today in Europe and America, and even the big flag of Imam Hussein (AS) in one of the squares. 

He emphasized that working on young people is very important and fathers and mothers have a very basic and principled role in this field to bring young people to the pulpits and give speeches in Hosseini's funeral gatherings.

In the second note, Hosseini Mazari raised some points about the usefulness of Hosseini's assemblies, especially the characteristics of the cleric and the speaker of the assembly, and said: The speaker who is invited to the assembly, first of all, should be scientifically literate and secondly, with piety, he should be from Analyzing the issues of the day and expressing the issues correctly. For example, if he gives a speech about Imam Hussain (AS), there should be no one who kills Imam Hussain in the same year 61 AH and then buries him! This kind of speech is useless.

He stated with criticism: Unfortunately, I participate in many congregations, both inside Afghanistan and in Iran and other places. From the beginning to the end, it is as if he is living in the time of the Prophet of Islam! It is not in the present tense at all and cannot talk about today's issues, while the speech should be comparative. While we still have the lines of Imam Hussain (a.s.) and Yazid, which are still in conflict! The speaker should clarify these topics.

The director of the Tebyan Center noted; It is the responsibility of those involved in the Majlis to investigate in advance which cleric can satisfy this Majlis from the point of view of the issues of the day.

On the other hand, he said that the speaker should be practical and pioneer.

On another point, according to this eminent religious scholar, the speaker should be a flow maker and his line should be clear whether he is right or wrong. This cleric must speak at any time; Both during the Republic and now during the Islamic Emirate.

He pointed out that he said many times in his speeches in Kabul that if the republican government continued for another ten years, we would not have anything called the identity of Muslim women in Afghanistan!

Another important point that the head of Tabyan Center pointed out was that after the first decade of Muharram, one should not look for "decades" and prolong the mourning and take time. And... it is consumed. Of course, according to him, the occasions of the martyrs and the birthdays of the innocent imams should be celebrated with full enthusiasm and breadth, but we should stop making decades, which is not a good trend for our society and people.

This prominent religious scholar also expressed some points about the length of time for holding mourning and carbald gatherings and the dominance of Madadh, Ruza Khan and mourners.

Story Code: 293619

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