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The final statement of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization meeting; Commitment to the peaceful resolution of disputes

4 Jul 2024 - 14:15

At a meeting in Kazakhstan, the leaders and representatives of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization signed the final declaration of Astana and several other documents.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: The leaders and representatives of the member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization signed the document on the implementation of the economic cooperation strategy of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization until 2030 at the summit of this organization in Kazakhstan.
The representatives of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization also signed the plan for cooperation in countering terrorism and separatism and approved the anti-narcotics strategy until 2029.
According to the statement of the Council of the Heads of States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the next meeting of the Council of Heads of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization will be held in China in 2025, and China will also assume the presidency of this organization for the coming period.
The document states that member countries agreed to declare 2025 as the year of sustainable development in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
Advocate for the preservation of a weapon-free space
According to Astana's statement, the leaders of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) are in favor of protecting space from all kinds of weapons. The document states: "Member States are in favor of preserving outer space from weapons of any kind and are mindful of the importance of strictly observing the current legal regime that provides for the exclusively peaceful use of outer space."
Based on this document, SCO leaders emphasized the need to conclude an internationally binding document that would increase transparency and provide credible guarantees to prevent an arms race in space.
Commitment to the peaceful resolution of disputes
According to Astana's statement, the leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states reaffirmed their commitment to the peaceful resolution of disputes.
This document states: "They emphasize their commitment to the peaceful settlement of disputes and disputes between countries through dialogue and consultation.
Also, the member states should not participate in making any decision with the aim of interfering in internal affairs and contrary to international laws.
Representation of developing countries in the United Nations
According to the Astana Declaration, the leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) believe that developing countries should participate in the United Nations through comprehensive reforms.
"Member States noted that in order to strengthen the authority and effectiveness of the United Nations, it is important to ensure the representation of developing countries through comprehensive reforms of the United Nations," the document said.
Establishing an investment fund and investors' association
Heads and representatives of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states agreed on Thursday to work on Kazakhstan's initiative to create a SCO investment fund, Astana said in a statement.
According to Sputnik, the document states: "Member countries paid attention to the proposal of the Republic of Kazakhstan to establish the SCO Investment Fund and ordered its further development. They also approved the procedure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Investors Union.
Condemning the actions of the Zionist regime in Gaza
The member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization announced in a joint statement: "The member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization strongly condemn the actions that lead to the humanitarian disaster in the Gaza Strip and express their concern over the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." Expressing deep concern over the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the member states strongly condemn the actions that led to numerous civilian casualties and the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.
The document states that the leaders of the SCO countries call for an immediate, complete and stable ceasefire, access to humanitarian aid, as well as activation of efforts to restore regional peace, stability and security.
"The member states note that the only possible way to ensure peace and stability in the Middle East is a comprehensive and just settlement of the Palestinian issue," the statement said.
Increasing potential and influence as a key global forum
The leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization intend to increase the potential and influence of this organization as one of the key global forums.
The document states: "With the aim of developing the development strategy of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization until 2035, the member countries confirm their readiness to increase the potential and international influence of this organization as one of the key multilateral forums of the multipolar world."
The document states that the countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization are taking measures to prevent any activity on their territory that conflicts with the principles of sovereignty.
Eliminating favorable conditions for terrorism
According to the Astana declaration, the countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization are ready to take measures to eliminate favorable conditions for terrorism and extremism.
The document states: "Member countries are ready to take comprehensive measures to eliminate the conditions conducive to terrorism and extremism, including continuing to resolutely combat the financing of terrorism, the activities of recruitment and cross-border movement of terrorists, the radicalization of youth, as well as the use of of new information and communication technologies for terrorist purposes.
The statement said that the SCO countries will continue to strengthen joint efforts to prevent the spread of radical ideologies, religious intolerance and xenophobia, aggressive nationalism, as well as ethnic and racial discrimination.
The organization also said that double standards in the fight against terrorism are unacceptable.
The member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization are in favor of cooperation in ensuring energy security and consider it important to have a balanced energy transition that takes into account the interests of all countries.
The document states: "Member countries are in favor of further development of cooperation in ensuring energy security." "They attach importance to the coordinated and balanced energy transition, taking into account the interests of producers and consumers of traditional fuels, in accordance with the national priorities and capabilities of the SCO member countries."

Story Code: 293001

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