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The interview of the adviser of the leader of the Islamic Revolution with the Financial Times;

In case of an Israeli attack, we will support Hezbollah with all our strength

3 Jul 2024 - 12:41

Kamal Kharazi, advisor to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, warned in an interview with the Financial Times newspaper that if the Zionist regime launches a full-scale attack against Lebanon's Hezbollah, the Middle East region will face the risk of starting a war in which Tehran and the resistance axis will The facilities will support the Lebanese Hezbollah movement.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: The Financial Times newspaper yesterday (Tuesday) quoted Seyed Kamal Kharazi, adviser to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, and wrote that the Islamic Republic of Iran is not interested in a regional war. He asked America to put pressure on Israel to prevent further escalation of conflicts.

According to this English newspaper, in response to the question whether Iran will provide military support to Hezbollah in the event of a full-scale conflict, Kharazi said: "All Lebanese people, Arab countries and members of the resistance axis will support Lebanon against Israel."

The head of the Strategic Council of Foreign Relations of Iran added: "There will be a possibility of the war spreading to the entire region, involving all countries, including Iran, and in such a situation, we have no choice but to fully support Hezbollah."

He added: The expansion of the war is not in the interest of anyone, neither Iran nor America.

Financial Times continued this report, quoting an unnamed Iranian official, who claimed: "It is unlikely that Iran will directly target Israel." Instead, it will mobilize the axis of resistance.

Referring to the holding of the presidential elections in Iran, this economic newspaper wrote: Voters will choose between the reformist Masoud Bijikian, who wants to re-engage with the West to get rid of sanctions, and Saeed Jalili, the enemy of America.

Kharazi said there will be "differences" in approaches depending on who wins, but the overall foreign policy strategy has been set by the leader of the Islamic Revolution and will not change.

He said that the elections create an opportunity for "new openings" between Iran and the West. But in order to achieve it, the western countries should "withdraw from the current policies and enter into negotiations with Iran based on equal status and mutual respect".

Kharazi added: If they decide to cooperate, we are ready to cooperate.

The Financial Times quoted Kharazi as saying that the Islamic Republic of Iran in the new government is willing to hold indirect negotiations with Washington regarding Iran's nuclear program if this leads to the US rejoining the JCPOA.

Quoting the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution's fatwa on banning the production of nuclear weapons, Kharazi said: We are not in favor of the production of nuclear weapons. But he said that if Iran's existence is threatened, "of course we have to change our doctrine."

He warned that if the West activates the trigger mechanism to reimpose UN sanctions, it will face "a strong response from Iran in the context of changing its nuclear strategy".

Iran's former foreign minister said: So far, we have not made a decision to enrich more than 60%. But we have tried to expand our experiences by using different machines and different settings.

Referring to the West's dissatisfaction with the military cooperation between Iran and Russia, the Financial Times wrote: Emphasizing Iran's neutrality in the Russia-Ukraine war, Kharazi said that Iran had sold drones to Russia before the start of this conflict.

In response to a question about Western concerns about the possibility of selling Iranian ballistic missiles to Moscow, he said: There have been such accusations, but they are not true.

He stated that "there is no obstacle in the way of arms deals between Iran and Russia", and added: Tehran is negotiating to buy Russian fighters and we are going to sign a comprehensive strategic agreement with them in the near future.

Story Code: 292923

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