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Opening of a new water supply network in Faryab for 600 families

1 Jul 2024 - 10:29

The new water supply network in Almar district of Faryab province was completed and officially opened today with the joint efforts of Faryab Rural Development Department and international organizations.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Monitoring: This project, aimed at supplying drinking water to over 588 families in the village of Qara-Tana, was completed through the joint efforts of Faryab’s Rural Development Directorate and international organizations and was officially inaugurated today.
During the inauguration ceremony, Mawlawi Turjan Ahmadi, Head of Faryab’s Rural Development Directorate, stated that the construction cost of this network was $110,000, funded by the Afghanistan Humanitarian Trust Fund and the Islamic Development Bank, and implemented by the DACAAR office.
The project includes a deep well of 160 meters and a concrete water reservoir with a capacity of 80 cubic meters, extending over a total length of 17,952 meters and featuring 355 household taps.
“For years, we suffered from water scarcity and had to travel long distances to access water. Now, with this water supply network, we can easily have drinking water within our homes.” Qari Khan Agha, a resident of the mentioned village said.
On the other hand, Engineer Naqib Ahmad Jalal, Head of the DACAAR office in Faryab, remarked that this achievement is the result of coordinated efforts and collaboration between the government, NGOs, and the local community. He expressed hope for implementing similar projects in other areas to ensure that all people in Afghanistan have access to clean drinking water.
It is worth noting that this project not only significantly improves the living conditions of local residents but also contributes to better health and the reduction of diseases caused by contaminated water./Bakhtar

Story Code: 292787

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