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The Guardian Council confirmed the validity of Iran's presidential election/ The second round of campaigning has begun

30 Jun 2024 - 14:48

The spokesman of Iran's Guardian Council announced that the accuracy of the elections of the fourteenth presidential term of this country has been approved by this council. Simultaneously with this confirmation, the new period of election and advertising campaigns of the two leading candidates has started all over Iran from today, Saturday, June 30.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: Hadi Tahan Nazif, the spokesman of this council, added in a news interview today, Sunday, June 30: According to the law, we had set an opportunity to receive complaints, but despite the follow-ups we had, a complaint from None of the candidates reached the Guardian Council, and there were no specific points from the people.

At the same time, the propaganda of the second round of the Iranian presidential election has started after the announcement of the validity of the election by the Guardian Council and will continue until 24 hours before the voting.

A few minutes ago, the spokesperson of Iran's election headquarters announced: Pazshkian and Jalili can start their campaigns from now on.

As the advertisement schedule for the second round of Iran's presidential election is determined, the first debate will be held on Monday, July 1 at 21:30, and on Tuesday, July 2, at 21:30, the second debate between the two candidates who have qualified for the second round will be held in Iran's Broadcasting Organization. .

Broadcasting of documentary 2 of the candidates as well as Jalili's and doctors' speeches will be one of the other advertising programs.

According to the law, advertisements will be prohibited on Thursday, July 4, and the second phase of the election will be held on Friday, July 5.

Story Code: 292743

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