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The two hundred and sixty-eighth day of Al-Aqsa storm operation; Continued bombing of Gaza

30 Jun 2024 - 14:42

The martyrdom of six people in the bombing of southern Gaza, the occurrence of a marine accident in the Red Sea, and the four operations of Al-Aqsa martyrs' pits against the Israeli regime's soldiers in the Gaza Strip are among the important developments of the 268th day of the Al-Aqsa storm.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: The Israeli regime bombarded areas such as Khan Yunis, Rafah and Gaza City (located in the north) this morning (Sunday, June 30) and targeted some areas with its artillery attacks, which resulted in Those six members of the same family were martyred in Rafah city.

Follow the most important developments of the 268th day of Al-Aqsa storm operation below:

Raizni Ismail Haniyeh and the head of the Turkish Intelligence Service
Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political office of Hamas, and Ibrahim Kalin, the head of the Turkish intelligence service, talked to each other by phone. The latest status of the ceasefire negotiations, the establishment of a permanent ceasefire, the exchange of prisoners and the sending of humanitarian aid have been mentioned among the topics of this conversation. In this call, Kalin expressed his condolences on the martyrdom of Haniyeh's sister and added: Turkey will stand by the Palestinian people.

Islamic Jihad condemned Benguir's statements
Palestinian Islamic Jihad reacted to the new statements of Ben Guer, the extreme minister of the Zionist regime, and condemned it. In the statement of Islamic Jihad, it is stated that Bin Guer's statements are a stain on the foreheads of all those who interact with the Zionist regime and have supported this regime and remained silent against its crimes.

The extremist minister of the Zionist regime, Benguir, said that the heads of the Palestinian prisoners who are in Israeli prisons should be shot and killed.

A rocket hit a military site of the Israeli army
The media of the Zionist regime reported that several rockets hit the "Nahal Oz" military site located in the vicinity of the Gaza Strip.

Arrest of 20 Palestinians in the last 24 hours in the West Bank
The Prisoners of Palestine Club announced that the Israeli forces arrested 20 more Palestinians in the West Bank in the last 24 hours. Since the beginning of the war and aggression of the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip on the 7th of last October, 9450 Palestinians have been arrested in the West Bank in the attack of the Zionist occupation.

Lapid: The war will end without the exchange of hostages
Yair Lapid, the head of the opposition parties in the Israeli regime, in his latest statement against Netanyahu, the prime minister of this regime, said that "the war will soon end without concluding an agreement on the exchange of hostages, and peace in the south (Gaza) will lead to peace in the north and This is the best option."

He said that Israel should not attack Iran alone, but must mobilize the world for this, and therefore the war (in Gaza) must be stopped.

A marine accident occurred on the west coast of Yemen
Britain's Reuters news agency, quoting the country's Maritime Trade Operations Organization, reported a new maritime accident in the Red Sea near the western coast of Yemen.
According to the initial report of this organization, a ship was targeted 13 nautical miles southwest of the city of "Al Mukha" located in the south of Al Hodeidah province of Yemen.

Martyrdom of 6 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip
Al Jazeera reporter reported that six people were martyred during the bombing of a house belonging to the "Zourab" family in the city of Rafah located in the south of the Gaza Strip.

4 The operations of Al-Aqsa martyrs against the Zionists
Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Tombs announced that its Mujahideen carried out 4 operations in the last 24 hours, in which a number of Israeli army aggressors were killed or injured due to heavy clashes and targeting the gatherings of occupying vehicles in the war axes of the Gaza Strip.

Israel's military website acknowledges Hezbollah's military power
Israel Defits website, which deals with specialized military topics, wrote in a report that Hezbollah's 9-month success against "Israel" shows the failure of the Israeli strategy that the army has launched against Hezbollah in recent years.

The mentioned website wrote: The reality shows that Hezbollah has strengthened its military power and has launched a war of attrition against Israel despite the strategy of confrontation between wars.

Story Code: 292742

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