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Imam Khamenei:

"Defenders of the Holly Shrine", the savior of Iran and the region

30 Jun 2024 - 14:07

Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with the members of the International Congress "Martyrs of Resistance and Defenders of the Shrine", referring to the violent, cruel and inhumane nature of the ISIS organization and groups aligned with it, which were formed with the arms and propaganda support of the United States and the West. , emphasized: The goal of this organization was to make the region and especially Iran insecure, but the defenders of the shrine neutralized this great danger.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: The leader of the Islamic Revolution, honoring the memory of all the martyrs who defended the shrine and the resistance front, especially General Martyr Soleimani, made the defense of the shrine a symbolic aspect in defense of the thinking and ideals of the owner of the shrine and the Ahl al-Bayt (a.s.). They knew and said: the lofty ideals of the Ahl al-Bayt school, such as justice, freedom, fighting against tyrannical powers and "sacrifice in the way of truth", always have seekers among pure consciences.
He cited the movement of American university students in defense of the people of Gaza as an example of the existence of clear consciences in the world and added: It is important that this message of defending the holy shrine, which is actually the defense of the ideals of humanity, should reach the ears of clear consciences in the world.
Imam Khamenei considered another aspect of the issue of protecting the shrine to be the worldview of the Islamic revolution and noted that any movement and revolution that neglects its international and regional environment will definitely suffer, just like the movement of the Iranian nation in the constitutional case and in The case of the nationalization of the oil industry was damaged and was not completed due to preoccupation with internal issues and neglect of foreign interference.
He added: From the very beginning of the Islamic movement and also from the beginning of the victory of the Islamic revolution, Imam Khomeini was always aware of the interference of foreigners and his global and regional attitude and not being interested in domestic issues, and in his statements he gave the necessary warning in this regard.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution considered the presence of fighters defending the Haram in countries for which the enemy had designed a very dangerous plan to be a manifestation of the worldview of the Islamic Revolution and said: the enemy in his design intended to seize the region and at the same time by imposing economic and political pressure as well as "Faithful and religious" to Iran, to destroy the Islamic system, but a group of young people with faith, centered on the Islamic Republic, defeated this expensive and arrogant plan. 
Pointing to the violent, cruel and inhumane nature of the ISIS organization and the groups aligned with it, which were formed with the arms and propaganda support of America and the West, he added: The goal of this organization was to make the region and especially Iran insecure, but the defenders of the shrine are a great danger. also neutralized
Imam Khamenei considered the demonstration of the power of the Islamic Revolution in recreating its inherent passion and epic at the beginning of the victory as another dimension of the movement of the defenders of the shrine and added: the presence of young people who had not seen Imam Khomeini (RA) and the era of holy defense to defend the shrine is a sign It is the giver of the strange power of the Islamic revolution in recreating the same religious and revolutionary motivations four decades ago.
Pointing to the expectations and analyzes of some people with western intellectual foundations regarding the weakening of the Islamic revolution and its thoughts and ideals, he emphasized: purity, courage, sacrifice, sincerity and "deep belief in religious foundations" among the youth who defend the shrine are a phenomenon. It is surprising and unique that it showed the wrongness of the analyzes of Westerners and this issue could not have been formed except by the grace and favor of God and the Ahl al-Bayt (AS).

Story Code: 292735

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