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A new chapter of unity between the forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Front of Iran; Qalibaf announced his support for Saeed Jalili

30 Jun 2024 - 10:01

Following the announcement of the final result of the Iranian presidential election and the second round of the election, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, the third candidate of this election, in a statement warned against the victory of the reformists, and asked all the revolutionary forces and their supporters to help Saeed Jalili. candidate of the Revolutionary Front to be elected as the head of the 14th government of this country. Alireza Zakani and Ghazizadeh Hashemi, two candidates who withdrew from the Iranian presidential election, also declared their full support for Jalili.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: The election headquarters of the Ministry of Interior of the Islamic Republic of Iran announced the final results of the presidential elections today, according to which none of the candidates could win the majority of votes and the elections will go to the second round. went In the first round of Iran's presidential elections, Masoud Pazshkian stood in first place with 10,415,191 votes, and nearly one million more votes than Saeed Jalili (9,473,298 votes).
Following the announcement of this result, all the revolutionary currents that participated in the presidential elections of Iran expressed their support for Dr. Saeed Jalili.
Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, who won almost a third of the votes of the other two candidates, 3,383,340 votes, said in a statement: Iran's 28th June is a sign of the deep belief of the Islamic Republic system and the leader of the Islamic Revolution in religious democracy in this country. It provides a window of opportunity for changes within the structure of elections and allows multiple currents with different tastes to present themselves to the people in a healthy and fair competition and the people to choose their executive directors with effective participation.
He added that he is thankful to God, despite the fact that political logic dictated that he should remain in the position of the speaker of the parliament, he did not rely on the chair of healing in fulfilling his duty and avoiding widespread destruction, and he is happy that with divine guidance in This historical moment, in order not to return to the damaging period of the 90s and not to finish the path that started with Shahid Raisi, whether to come or not leave, he did not hesitate that this presence is an opportunity for the revolutionary flow in the second round. 
This candidate for the presidential election thanked all those who supported him and emphasized: the road is not over yet and despite the fact that he respects the person of Dr. He asked all the revolutionary forces and their supporters to help, the movement that is the cause of an important part of our economic and political problems today, does not return to power; "Therefore, we should all try to elect the candidate of the Revolutionary Front, Dr. Jalili, as the head of the 14th government".
On the other hand, Alireza Zakani, who at the last minute withdrew from the Iranian presidential election, has called for support for Saeed Jalili in a statement.
In this statement, he said: "The coming week is the most important and fateful days of the Revolutionary Front. If there was a difference of opinion in the body of the revolutionary forces in the first round in applying the correct indicators to the candidates of the revolutionary movement, now God has given us another chance and the second round is over." There is no difference of opinion and Mr. Jalili will be the only example of correctness".
While thanking Mr. Qalibaf and Ghazizadeh Hashemi and all their fans for their efforts, Zakani stressed that now it is everyone's duty, especially all his staffs and fans, to do their best and convince others to vote for Jalili in the second round. and get more votes.
Ghazizadeh Hashemi also wrote on the X social network: "The duty of all sympathizers today is to support the candidate of the Revolutionary Front. From the great nation of Iran, my supporters, and from my other brothers, Mr. Qalibaf, Zakani, and their election headquarters, I ask my dear brother Dr. Saeed Jalili support".
On the other hand, Mohsen Rezaei, the economic deputy of the president in the government of Martyr Ayatollah Raisi and one of the prominent figures of the Islamic Revolutionary Front in Iran, also wrote on the X channel: "The announcement of the readiness of the dear brothers Mr. Qalibaf, Zakani and Ghazizadeh Hashemi and the headquarters and their supporters to help Dr. Saeed Jalili, this is a new chapter of synergy and brotherhood among the forces of the revolution, which will come to fruition by God's grace on 4th July, and after that with the formation of the fourteenth government."

 This is despite the fact that before these attempts to announce the support and alliance of Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf and Saeed Jalili were unsuccessful. Despite the failure in the presidential elections, Qalibaf has still maintained his position as the president of the Islamic Council of Iran.
Based on this, after the confirmation of the results of the first round of Iran's presidential election by the Guardian Council, the second round of this election will be held next Friday, 5th July, and the passionate atmosphere and election fever in this country will be at its peak for another week. Two major and fundamental political currents will continue to reach the seat of the future president of Iran.

Story Code: 292695

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