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The warning of Iran's representative in the United Nations regarding the attack of the Zionist regime on Lebanon

29 Jun 2024 - 12:10

Iran's representative at the United Nations warned that in case of an attack by the Zionist regime on Lebanon, the full participation of all resistance fronts is on the table.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International service: The representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the United Nations, based in New York, published a message on its user account on the X social network and warned that the large-scale attack of the Zionist regime on Lebanon will turn into a full-scale war.

This message states: Although Iran considers the propaganda of the Zionist regime to attack Lebanon as a psychological war, if a full-scale military attack is launched, a devastating war will occur. All options are on the table, including full participation of all resistance fronts.

Iran's representation in the United Nations had previously written in a message on the virtual network that any unwise decision by the occupying regime of Israel, which oversees the destruction of the infrastructure of Lebanon and the occupied zone of 1948, will enter the region into a new war.

Iran's Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York had announced that any unwise decision by the occupying Israeli regime to save itself could bring the region into a new war, the result of which would be the destruction of Lebanon's infrastructure as well as the occupied zone of 1948. This war will definitely have a final loser and that is the Zionist regime. The Hezbollah resistance movement has the ability to defend itself and its country Lebanon; Maybe the time has come to destroy this illegitimate regime by its own hands.

Story Code: 292653

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