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Lebanon's Hezbollah Resistance targeted Zionist regime army base

29 Jun 2024 - 10:35

Lebanon's Hezbollah Resistance Movement has targeted a base of the Zionist regime’s army in the occupied territories.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Monitoring: Media outlets have reported that Hezbollah targeted the Zionist spying equipment in the Birket Risha base located along the southern border of Lebanon.

The attack was conducted at 09:30 a.m. local time, added the source.

Hezbollah and Israeli forces have exchanged fire almost every day since October 8, a day after the Israeli regime launched an ongoing genocidal war against Gaza.

Regional resistance groups, including Hezbollah, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq and Yemen’s Ansarullah, have declared that they will continue their attacks on the Israeli military bases in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza since the start of the Israeli regime's genocidal war in the enclave last October./Press tv

Story Code: 292646

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