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The 265th day of Al-Aqsa storm operation; The continuation of the crimes of the Zionist regime with the bombing of Gaza

27 Jun 2024 - 14:58

The occupation regime of Israel continues to aimlessly bombard Gaza while it has no operational plan to realize its goals and get out of the quagmire in which it is trapped.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: After 265 days of the war in Gaza, as the longest war in the history of Palestine, the bombing of civilian areas continues, while the US government continues its efforts to withdraw the army in a dignified manner. The occupier from Gaza is trying; However, the radical Zionists still do not believe their defeat in Gaza and are not ready to accept Joe Biden's cease-fire plan.

In the area of ​​field developments, the occupying army announced yesterday that 13 of its soldiers were wounded, bringing the number of alleged wounded to 3922.

Follow the most important developments of the 265th day of Al-Aqsa storm operation below:
Hebrew source: 15 thousand Israelis are killed in the war with Hezbollah
Referring to the deadly consequences of the massive war with Hezbollah, a Zionist media announced that the number of Israelis killed in this war will reach 15,000 and Israel must avoid it.

The continuation of protests by the families of Zionist prisoners to the indifference of Netanyahu's cabinet
The families of the Zionist prisoners of the resistance expressed their protest by setting fire to a cage in the streets against the negligence of the Netanyahu cabinet in freeing their children from the captivity of the Palestinian resistance.

The death and wounding of 18 Zionist soldiers in Jenin
Hebrew media announced that during last night's clashes between Zionist soldiers and Palestinian fighters in Jenin, located in the West Bank, a soldier of the occupying regime was killed and at least 17 people were injured, 4 of them are in critical condition.

Amnesty International: Peace requires the dismantling of Israel's apartheid regime
The Secretary General of Amnesty International pointed out that the West and America have double standards against human rights and are partners in Israel's crimes against the people of Gaza, and emphasized that lasting peace requires the dismantling of Israel's apartheid regime.
Jordanian Foreign Minister: We will never send any troops to Gaza
Referring to the fact that Israel is seeking to expand the range of conflicts with war crimes against the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, the Jordanian Foreign Minister said that we will not send any forces to Gaza in response to the conspiratorial plans of America and the occupying regime.

Hamas's call to intensify the resistance against the occupation in the West Bank
Condemning the systematic crimes committed by the Zionists against the Palestinian people in the occupied West Bank and Quds at the same time as the genocidal war against Gaza, the Hamas movement called for the intensification of forms of resistance against the occupiers.

Attack of the occupying forces on the area of ​​Jenin hospital
Palestinian government sources reported that a Palestinian youth was shot and wounded during the attack of Israeli occupation regime soldiers on the hospital area of ​​the Jenin camp.

Haaretz: The Israeli army urgently needs 8,000 more soldiers in Gaza
Following the manpower crisis in the occupying army, the Hebrew newspaper Haaretz wrote in a report that the occupying Israeli army needs 8,000 more soldiers to overcome the losses suffered in the Gaza war.

Casualties of the occupying army in the attack on Jenin in the West Bank
The "Kandak Jenin" resistance group announced that following the attack of the occupying forces on this camp in the north of the West Bank, it detonated a number of improvised explosive devices in the path of passing military vehicles, which accurately hit the target.
Following this successful attack, ambulances and helicopters of the Zionist army entered Jenin camp to transport their wounded.

Complete destruction of several residential houses in Rafah
The occupying army completely destroyed several houses in the west of Rafah city by bombardment. Artillery attack on Nusirat camp. Zionist army artillery targeted several points in the north of Nusirat camp.

A martyr and several wounded in the shelling of a house in Beit Lahia
As a result of the occupation army's artillery attack, a house was targeted in Beit Lahia area in the north of Gaza, and this crime has resulted in one martyr and several wounded.

Two martyrs and one wounded in the Israeli air attack on Damascus
A military source in the Syrian Ministry of Defense announced: "At 11:40 [local time], the Israeli enemy launched an air attack on points in the southern region from the side of the occupied Golan, and our air defense systems responded with missiles and a number of They shot them down."

According to the official Syrian news agency, he also reported the martyrdom of two people and the wounding of a soldier and some material damages in this aggression.

School bombing in Khan Yunis
The Palestinian media reported that the occupying Israeli army bombed one of the schools in the town of "Absan" in the east of Khan Yunis 6 times.

Story Code: 292593

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