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The Prime Minister of Holland became the Secretary General of the NATO military alliance

27 Jun 2024 - 13:31

The NATO military alliance announced that Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte was chosen by the alliance's allies as its next Secretary General.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The NATO military alliance has chosen Prime Minister Holland as the next Secretary General of this alliance and announced details about the beginning of his service.

This coalition announced yesterday (Wednesday) that Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has been elected as the new Secretary General by the allies of this coalition.

Sputnik news agency reported that NATO announced in a statement: On Wednesday, the North Atlantic Council decided to choose Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as the next Secretary General of NATO instead of Jens Stoltenberg. Rutte will begin his work as Secretary General on October 1, 2024, after the end of Stoltenberg's 10-year term.

In a message on his X social network page, Stoltenberg wrote: I sincerely welcome the choice of Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as my replacement by NATO allies. Mark is a true proponent of close transatlantic relations, a true leader and consensus-builder. I wish him success in continuing his efforts to strengthen NATO. I know that I am leaving NATO in the right hands.

Ursula von der Leyen, the head of the European Commission, also wrote in a congratulatory message to Rutte: "Your leadership and experience will be of vital importance for this coalition in this challenging time." Looking forward to working with you to further strengthen the EU-NATO partnership.

It should be mentioned that the NATO military pact was formed after the Second World War and at the same time as the beginning of the Cold War between the former Soviet Union and the Western countries, which is headed by the United States. This pact has killed hundreds of thousands of people with military intervention in several countries.

Story Code: 292579

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